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THANOSGRR's Achievements
Newbie (1/16)
guys the server isnt 1-1 augments.....is STUCK ! full aug! all the people have many augments because are free lifestones! and the admin dont have friends with items lol you can make it from votes - events or donate... start day we take many scrols from votes topzone - hopzone + gifts from gms NOOBSS !!!! THE SERVER IS PERFECT ! FULL BALANCE !
* WELCOME TO Lineage ][ AzRael * L][AzRael: www.l2azrael.com Interlude Server x5000 - No Customs! L][AzRael Openning: 19/05/2012 - 18:00 Time! * SERVER RATES * * Drop Rate : x1 * Exp Rate : x5000 * Sp Rate : x5000 * Adena Rate : x10000 * ENCHANT RATES * * Safe Enchant : 4 * Max Enchant Weapon : 16 * Max Enchant Armor : 16 * Max Enchant Jewels : 16 * Max Enchant Tattoo : 16 * Enchant Rate Normal : 80% * Enchant Rate Blessed: 100% * Life Stone Rate : 45% * INFORMATIONS OF SERVER * * Interlude PvP Server! * No CustomS Items! * Full Items In GmShop! * Sieges Every Week! * Heroes Every Week! * Full Geodata! * Olympiad 100% Retail Like! * Noblesses & Heroes System! * Castle Sieges! * Clan Wars! * Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah)! * Auto Learn Skills! * C5/Interlude Clan System! * Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)! * Petition System Working 100% Max 5 Petitions Per Char * Starting With 150.000.000 Adena * NO LAG! * NO BUGs! * 100% Uptime! * Active And Experienced Development/GameMaster * CUSTOMS FEATURES * * Anti Buff Shield! * Custom Farm Zones:(Farm/Exp/PvP/Boss)! * Clan Lord Announce! * Pk Color System! * Augments Skills System! * PC Bank Points System! * Vote Rewards System! * PvP Master Announce! (Every 20 min Will Exist 1 PvP Master... ...Player With Reward Skill For Status) * PvP Player Announce! * Pk Player Announce! * CLAN / ALLIANCE SYSTEM * * Clan / Alliance Items selling in Gm Shop * Max Numbers of Clan in Ally 3: (Leader Clan + 2 Clan Ally) * NPCs * * FUll NPC In All The Towns * EVENTS * * 14 Events From Npc * GM Event PvP * CONTACT U.S * * Mail : l2azrael@hotmail.com * Msn : l2azrael@hotmail.com * FaceBook: L][AzRael
Welcome To Lineage II MystiriOus! Interlude Full PvP Server! www.l2mystirious.com - l2mystirious@hotmail.com * SERVER RATES * * Drop Rate : x1 * Exp Rate : x8000 * Sp Rate : x8000 * Adena Rate : x10000 * ENCHANT RATES * * Safe Enchant : 5 * Max Enchant Weapon : 20 * Max Enchant Armor : 20 * Max Enchant Jewels : 20 * Enchant Rate Normal : 80% * Enchant Rate Blessed: 100% * Life Stone Rate : 40% * INFORMATIONS OF SERVER * * Interlude PvP Server! * With Custom Items! * Interlude Items + Special Customs * Full Items In GmShop! * Sieges Every Week! * Heroes Every Week! * Full Geodata! * C4/C5/Interlude Features Skills Working 99%! * Olympiad 100% Retail Like! * Noblesses & Heroes System! * Start Level 40! * SubClass Level 40! * Max Level 80! * Castle Sieges! * Clan Wars! * Auto Learn Skills! * C5/Interlude Clan System! * Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)! * Petition System Working 100% Max 5 Petitions Per Char * NO LAG! * NO BUGs! * 100% Uptime! * Active And Experienced Development/GameMaster Team! * NPCs * * FUll NPC In All The Towns * EVENTS * * 14 Events * Comming Soon...More GM Events With Special Prices For All The Winnwers!
Welcome To Lineage II MystiriOus x8000 Full PvP Interlude Server! Site: www.l2mystirious.com Msn: l2mystirious@hotmail.com SERVER RATES * * Drop Rate : x1 * Exp Rate : x8000 * Sp Rate : x8000 * Adena Rate : x10000 * ENCHANT RATES * * Safe Enchant : 5 * Max Enchant Weapon : 20 * Max Enchant Armor : 20 * Max Enchant Jewels : 20 * Enchant Rate Normal : 80% * Enchant Rate Blessed: 100% * Life Stone Rate : 40% * INFORMATIONS OF SERVER * * Interlude PvP Server! * With Custom Items! * Interlude Items + Special Customs * Full Items In GmShop! * Sieges Every Week! * Heroes Every Week! * Full Geodata! * C4/C5/Interlude Features Skills Working 99%! * Olympiad 100% Retail Like! * Noblesses & Heroes System! * Start Level 40! * SubClass Level 40! * Max Level 80! * Castle Sieges! * Clan Wars! * Auto Learn Skills! * C5/Interlude Clan System! * Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)! * Petition System Working 100% Max 5 Petitions Per Char * NO LAG! * NO BUGs! * 100% Uptime! * Active And Experienced Development/GameMaster Team! * NPCs * * FUll NPC In All The Towns * EVENTS * * 14 Events * Comming Soon...More GM Events With Special Prices For All The Winnwers!
yes man the server is online! many ppl online and full-good pvp You Can Join
Lineage 2 NooB www.l2noob.com [sITE] l2noob@hotmail.gr [MSN] Server Rates * SERVER RATES * * Drop Rate : x1 * Exp Rate : x5000 * Party Exp Rate: x5000 * Sp Rate : x5000 * Party Sp Rate: x5000 * Adena Rate : x10000 * ENCHANT RATES * * Safe Enchant : 3 * Max Enchant Weapon : 16 * Max Enchant Armor : 16 * Max Enchant Shield : 16 * Max Enchant Jewels : 16 * Max Enchant Tattoo : 16 * Enchant Rate Normal : 80% * Enchant Rate Blessed: 100% * Life Stone Rate : 20% * INFORMATIONS OF SERVER * * Interlude PvP Server! * With Custom Items! * Interlude Items + Special Customs * Full Items In GmShop! * DualBox Allowed! * Sieges Every Week! * Heroes Every Week! * Full Geodata! * C4/C5/Interlude Features Skills Working 99%! * All C4/C5/Interlude Skills! * All Raid Bosses + Grand Bosses + Frintezza! * Olympiad 100% Retail Like! * Noblesses & Heroes System! * Start Level 40! * SubClass Level 40! * Max Level 80! * Fishing! * Seven Signs! * Castle Sieges! * Clan Wars! * Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah)! * Auto Learn Skills! * C5/Interlude Clan System! * Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)! * Not Used Accounts Will Be Deleted After 2 Months! * Petition System Working 100% Max 5 Petitions Per Char * Chat Filter Replace Some Bad Words * NO LAG! * NO BUGs! * 100% Uptime! * Active And Experienced Development/GameMaster Team! * NPCs * * FUll NPC In All The Towns * NPC Custom Gatekkeper * NPC Buffer * NPC Buffer(Scheme) * NPC GmShop * NPC Custum Shop * NPC Server Info Manager * NPC PvP/Pk Info Manager * NPC Anti PvP-PK GuarD Manager * NPC WareHouse Manager * NPC Clan Halls Manager * NPC Symbol Manager * NPC Augment Manager * NPC Skill Enchanter * NPC Wedding Manager * NPC Nobless Manager * NPC Class Manager * NPC SubClass Manager * NPC Grand Olympiad Manager * NPC Monument Of Heroes * EVENTS * * NPC Event Team vs Team * NPC Event VIP Team vs Team * NPC Event Domination * NPC Event Double Domination * NPC Event Death Match * NPC Event Zombie * NPC Event Mutant * NPC Event Battlefield * NPC Event Russian Rulette * NPC Event Simon Says * NPC Event Last Man Standing * NPC Event Lucky Chests * NPC Event CTF * NPC Event Casino * NPC Event Town Wars * GM Event PvP * GM Event H&S * Comming Soon...More NPC/GM Events With Special Prices For All The Winnwers!
* SERVER RATES * * Drop Rate : x1 * Exp Rate : x5000 * Party Exp Rate: x5000 * Sp Rate : x5000 * Party Sp Rate: x5000 * Adena Rate : x10000 * ENCHANT RATES * * Safe Enchant : 3 * Max Enchant Weapon : 16 * Max Enchant Armor : 16 * Max Enchant Shield : 16 * Max Enchant Jewels : 16 * Max Enchant Tattoo : 16 * Enchant Rate Normal : 80% * Enchant Rate Blessed: 100% * Life Stone Rate : 20% * INFORMATIONS OF SERVER * * Interlude PvP Server! * With Custom Items! * Interlude Items + Special Customs * Full Items In GmShop! * DualBox Allowed! * Sieges Every Week! * Heroes Every Week! * Full Geodata! * C4/C5/Interlude Features Skills Working 99%! * All C4/C5/Interlude Skills! * All Raid Bosses + Grand Bosses + Frintezza! * Olympiad 100% Retail Like! * Noblesses & Heroes System! * Start Level 40! * SubClass Level 40! * Max Level 80! * Fishing! * Seven Signs! * Castle Sieges! * Clan Wars! * Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah)! * Auto Learn Skills! * C5/Interlude Clan System! * Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)! * Not Used Accounts Will Be Deleted After 2 Months! * Petition System Working 100% Max 5 Petitions Per Char * Chat Filter Replace Some Bad Words * NO LAG! * NO BUGs! * 100% Uptime! * Active And Experienced Development/GameMaster Team! * NPCs * * FUll NPC In All The Towns * NPC Custom Gatekkeper * NPC Buffer * NPC Buffer(Scheme) * NPC GmShop * NPC Custum Shop * NPC Server Info Manager * NPC PvP/Pk Info Manager * NPC Anti PvP-PK GuarD Manager * NPC WareHouse Manager * NPC Clan Halls Manager * NPC Symbol Manager * NPC Augment Manager * NPC Skill Enchanter * NPC Wedding Manager * NPC Nobless Manager * NPC Class Manager * NPC SubClass Manager * NPC Grand Olympiad Manager * NPC Monument Of Heroes * EVENTS * * NPC Event Team vs Team * NPC Event VIP Team vs Team * NPC Event Domination * NPC Event Double Domination * NPC Event Death Match * NPC Event Zombie * NPC Event Mutant * NPC Event Battlefield * NPC Event Russian Rulette * NPC Event Simon Says * NPC Event Last Man Standing * NPC Event Lucky Chests * NPC Event CTF * NPC Event Casino * NPC Event Town Wars * GM Event PvP * GM Event H&S * Comming Soon...More NPC/GM Events With Special Prices For All The Winnwers! * CONTACT U.S * * Mail : l2noob@hotmail.gr * Msn : l2noob@hotmail.gr * FaceBook: Lineage 2 NooB * SITE OF SERVER * * Site: www.L2NooB.com
if you dont like dont writte here :)
a server cant like to all ofc.this is your opinion no problem good luck then in server with no custom with limit augment
today bro in some hours we fix forum and update Patch tommorow maybe we start :)
The Server Are Stuck Augment Ofc With 20% Top LifeStone! All Augment Skill Working Fine!Hero Status Are Only Main Normal! And The Custom Items Havent Very Big Status.The Status I Belive Its Ok For One Good Custom PvP Server :)
I Will Say More Protections
The Donates In Server Exist Only For The Works In The Server Px Dedicate of Server Protections And More Anti Virus We No Need This Low Prices For Us!The Server Need It If It Has Problem ...
Server Has Only + Donate For Stay 4 Ever Alive And Dont Have Donate For More Status....px Skill etc(All The Items In Donate List you Can Take It In Game Only In The 15 Mins)
Lineage II NooB Is Back For More PvPs And Best Old Fun With All Old Members (was 200+).Now Is Custom With Dynasty Armor - Weap And God of Destru Armor - Weap Too. All Items With Adena Safe 3 Max 16 Easy Enchant I Believe To Come All For GooD PvP Without Problems :/ Old Team And Members With Grand Openning Are Online ;)) Try To Login In Some Hours Guys!For More Infos l2noob@hotmail.gr Info For The Grand Openning And Forum Too...Comming Tomorrow (Forum)