so? i didn't test it but... C5=java (for now), off=C4 only, and imo l2off exploits are 20x rarer than l2j exploits, guys sometimes i'am just thinking that u r coming here to lern l2j exploit and use it on this shitty l2j servers only just to use exploit... you are not searching for exploit which works on your server, to help you get something u want, you just read about l2j exploit and u r searching for servers on which it works, so u r not playing Lineage2 (and using exploits for "little help"), u r using exploit (and playing L2...lul), rly dumb... now go and touch yourself cuzz u know how to make mullticlass on l2j^^ (btw: who dont know that?)
devis got the point... i'm plaing on l2off serv and its really hard to find expoli there :/