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Everything posted by goncb

  1. ty for the sunrise time.. the inspector.u ir for security??? how activate?? the comm, log and petition are not a problem.. the problem is... In the game, every time I talk to a npc in the chat window shows me the html I use the server .. and I can not hit the mobs .. Ty!!!
  2. Hello mi friend.. Now i have a new problems.. First.. In the log window, Show me this errors: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Second, in the l2server, showme this errors.. http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/7027/errorserver.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us And one more.... In the game, every time I talk to a npc in the chat window shows me the html I use the server .. and I can not hit the mobs .. Any help please?? Thank you very much everybody. goodbye. Pd: It is common that the l2server Proses increase all the time?
  3. when I get home, I look if it works well.,. thank you very much,
  4. Hello friends. I have a new problem .. I have no items to create a character .. any items or weapons with which to start.,. And when I try to talk to a NPC, or kill a mob, I pulled the server, and I get an error in the l2server .. leave some screens of all errors that appear in the cached and l2server. thank you very much. greetings, Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. Problem solved .. change the wan ip of the database, the lan ip. Now I have another problem which he asketh in another post .. Many thank you very much.
  6. Since google search, try every possible way .. And I can not solve the problem .. if it were so easy would not create a post ... If you're not going to help, please do not post.
  7. Ty men! realy ty... and sory for the truble... One more cuestion.. where I have to put the ip to register? Ty very very so much!!!!
  8. Ok.. Ty for answer...... I will try... One more cuestion.,.. If i put in this place my ip wan: L2Server.ini [AuthD] address="IP WAN" port=2104 show me in the auth window, this message.. But, if i put mi local ip ( Dont show me the error... Ty Very Much---- Bye Bye...
  9. The pass off sql is not the default pass.. i put ***** only in the post,, mi pass is other... but how i change the user??? and..... i change the world id in all ini´s and is the same.. noyhing change... any idea about this?? do you know why if i put the ip wan in authd ip in the l2server.ini configuration, it shows me in the auth windows this : no-registred world server ?? Ty!!!!!
  10. These are my settings .. the problem persists .. any help? Thank you very much, HauthD: [mssql] server= user=sa password=******* database=lin2db [main] ServerPort = 2104 ServerExPort = 666 ServerIntPort = 2108 BlowfishKey = 4c325056502d47414d452e52552e2e2e [log] auth=1 guard=1 all=0 db=0 [online] Multiplier = 1,5 UserCount = 5 Interval = 300 [admin] password = admin ip = * [adv] EULA = 1 test = 0 C4 = 0 MaxConnectionsPerIP = 50 AntiDOS = 1 AntiBrute = 1 md5simple = 0 [ext] mask = 1 md5password = 0 ExecLogin = 0 guard = 0 [antibrute] Interval = 60 Penalty = 600 MaxAttempts = 5 ------------------- Cached: [setting] ;ExceptionMailing=false ;ExceptionMinidump=false ;Default MailServer=uniqueplayers@gmail.com MailServer=none ;Country: Korea=0, USA=1, Japan=2, Taiwan=3, China=4, Thailand=5 ;Default Country=0 Country=1 ;Default timelimit=0 timelimit=0 ;Default writecache=0 writecache=1 ;Default IOBufferCount=40000 IOBufferCount=40000 [LogD] ;Default address= address= ;Default port=3999 port=3999 [itemAudit] ;Default DefaultPriceLimit=2000000 DefaultPriceLimit=2000000 ;Default DefaultPriceCheck=1000000 DefaultPriceCheck=1000000 ;Default ChgRatioLimit=30 ChgRatioLimit=30 ;Default AdenaLimit=2000000 AdenaLimit=2000000000 ;Default AdenaCheck=1000000 AdenaCheck=1000000000 ;Default AdenaChgRatioLimit=30 AdenaChgRatioLimit=30 [World] ;default 2008 port1 port1=2008 ;default 2006 port2 port2=2006 ;default 2012 adminport adminport=2012 ;registry key connection. default connStr connstr=connStr ;Default WorldId=1 WorldId=0 ;Default Pair=0 Pair=0 ;Default DeleteAccount=0 DeleteAccount=0 ;Default SQLExecLimit=5000 SQLExecLimit=5000 ;clear unowned item data[0:false, 1:true] ;Default ItemClearOnStart=0 ItemClearOnStart=0 ;Default DiffBBSConn=0 DiffBBSConn=1 ;Default DiffClanBBSConn=0 DiffClanBBSConn=0 ;Default SaveQsData=0 SaveQsData=0 ;Default WorldDBTimeOut=60 WorldDBTimeOut=60 ;Default BBSDBTimeOut=5 BBSDBTimeOut=60 ;Default USEBBS=1 USEBBS=1 -------------------------- l2server: [CacheD] address="" port=2006 [AuthD] address="" port=2104 [LogD] address="" port=3999 [World] WorldId=0 UserLimit=1000 LetBuilder=1 [PetitionD] address="" port=2107 WorldName="PlayersL2" ;world name have to exact 9 characters. DisableStart=5 DisableEnd=13 [Report] ;minute Interval=128 [setting] UserPathFind=true WorldCollision=false ExceptionMailing=false MailServer=false ExceptionMinidump=false IOBufferCount=40000 ;check age (0:don't, 1:korean, default is 0) AgeCheckType=0 AcceptEscapeCommand=true AcceptLowerProtocol=true ;Country=0 KR ;Country=1 US ;Country=2 JP ;Country=3 TW ;Country=4 CN Country=1 BOTLog=true BOTBlock=true gameguard=false gameguard_checkonly=false canrolldice=0 ;limit hour for week, (number means hour. 0 means don't use. default is 0) playtimelimit=0 ;use auth reconn (1:use, 0:don't. default is 0) reconnectauth=1 UserPort=7777 logDirectory="C:\ServidorL2\L2Server\log" [fontCHECK] fontcheck=0 ; enable=1, disable=0 filename=smallfont.gly [bBS] ;minimum level for write access WriteLevel=10 WorldNames="PlayersL2" [L2COMM] Address="" Port=2010 Autoconnect=1 Usesvr=1 [bOT] block=1 [NPCPOS] l2day=off extra_mob=on heart_event=off letter_collector=off bak_event=off fire_event=off 18age=off christmas=off start_weapon=off medal=off zaken_curse=on [EVENT] adenaamount=4 itemrate=3 exprate=5 sprate=5 spoilrate=3 partyexprate=1 aiexprate=5 aiadenarate=4 -------------------- if i put in auth ip of l2server.ini mi wan ip.. in auth windows tell me, No-registred world server... Ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Ok. I'll see if I can get that way. thanks
  12. No. i dont..... but... a cant conect in lan, for what i can conect in wan?? ty!!!
  13. OK.-. When I get home I upload some pictures. I have set all this way In the data base. DATABASE> LIN2DB> DBO.SERVER> put mi wan ip and mi local ip. and name server whith 11 characters. in the Ahth.ini (kasha auth) all ips in the cached put all ips in l2server.ini put all ip in When I put in the ip of the auth mi wan ip, tells me in the auth window: new conection from "mi wan ip" //// No-registred world server "mi wan ip"// close conetion from "mi wan ip" When i put in the ip of the auth, mi local ip "".. in the auth window conect wid out problem.. In mi l2.ini i put mi lan ip "192.168.*.***" because i try to loguin on lan...in mi pc i dont open de l2 because i dont put a video card in the pc.. i use the pack interlude dvamp 1.75 mg. Thx..!!!
  14. in l2.ini I have the port 7777 .. and the lan ip to connect on lan.
  15. I use win 2003 server, i never active the firewall. how I can disable? Like I think the problem lies elsewhere.
  16. in inner ip i put and in ip i put mi ip wan. but dont worck. i dont pass the selection server... tnhx...
  17. Thanks for answering. I have all the configs with and when I wan in the ip auth of l2server.ini shows me the error non-registered world server ...
  18. Thanks for answering. Since all ips chek a few times. I'm trying to configure the server for access by If someone would kindly give me the settings for the IP, which ports to open? I'm very desperate .. Thank you very much.
  19. could someone help me? I can not move from server selection .. I opened the ports, change the ips, try everything and I can not solve. I leave a picture of the problem. thank you very much, Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  20. I recomend this person. Is very trustable, and very nice person....
  21. Any help? please.... I need the characters make the subclass and maintain the previous skills. thks. bye bye.
  22. Thanks for answering. What I need is to allow subclasses to accumulate .. The skill of the subbclasses accumulate. Sorry for my bad English. ps: do not know what is Substack. Thank you very much " Bye Bye
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