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Everything posted by FDB

  1. For now we must first fix the major problem with the daggers attack.
  2. 1.no way for now 2. ok i will add it on floodprotectors 3.is 20 s lol 4. I dont have any other idea only .nokarma (For now) but thhnx i will see it 5.Yes thats the -beep-ing big problem + d elf daggers
  3. Try this a gave y why y want to make all this :/ disconnect is ok i thing
  4. on 1st minute 32 but too much reports and down for fix
  5. Yes but again down elves are fixed d elf cannot attack we will do much tests till we go up again
  6. 30 Players online atm.
  7. Its on beta , we are trying to fix everything.
  8. if (activeChar.getRace() == Race.kamael) { activeChar.closeNetConnection(); return; } Enterworld.java
  9. We decided that we will keep them. Thanks for the support, FDB & Rain^
  10. Prophet only... Contration is on Races buffs :/ but anyway maybe we will keep prophets one
  11. not also tank was 3 hits and btw i will remove that prophet shit buff and keep only races buffs w/o pets if y want pets.. Elemental masters ^^ i dont want to kill all the support also elemental is some kind of playable class
  12. Backstab is fixed Now we rework L2Character.java and on about 30 mins maybe
  13. Nai ti n allaksw t alaksa k etroge error t skill :/
  14. -.-' opos?
  15. dn mporite n dosete an etimo edw n dw maximum 2k t poli me 2.2 prospa8w n t kanw
  16. afiste an peraso to alternative Dmg gia daggers http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=58813.msg429861#msg429861 8a valw 0.9 s ola tha ftiaxti?
  17. www.l2jserver.com/svn
  18. L2J Server www.l2jserver.com gia emena
  19. in 1-2 days and will be no wipe..As you know on betas we will have aproximately downtimes for fixes we want to run smoothly so be patient 2 Bugs accured i H8 L2J :P Backstab OP trying to fix + put some restrictions and hitting same race + self skill bug Give us some time we are only 2 :)
  20. rain^ logs with my acc and writes :@
  21. nai pio table leme? dose example edw
  22. Server is down for 30 mins EPIC Fixes (Backstab power + Something with races) Thnx stay tuned
  23. Apo xml ti mporw n piraksw?
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