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Everything posted by giarosenko1000

  1. becuase you should have it.... in Windows mode the game maybe???/ like alywas in all of the versions of IG... walkers.
  2. this is for retail, i dont know about PRIVATE server.
  3. did you before gave the link where is the l2.exe to walker because if its empty (why to press RUN if its nothing have to run).... ????
  4. on retail is working 100%.
  5. if you soo scary to bot DONT BOT, we have to say it 1 more time!!! In Game is like Normal game same packets, soo no have to worry at Retail server they dont find IG except someone report them, now on Private server you wait be detected? ... .
  6. thanks for re-hosting it :)
  7. as i said its for retail if you play a server with have patch or host you should do other thing, this post is for retail. servers
  8. no need l2asrc.exe :)
  9. Hello again by me here i am again to share new version of 1.99 walker which is working 100% on retail Lineage 2 Server. If anyone want it for private server all setting it the same as for last one i have posted here Old Post(Interlde walker)-link 1) First step is download In Game Walker 1.99 Version DOWNLOAD-LINK 2) Unzip Folder and put it where you want it. 3) you should fix the Host file which is at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc to that vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com save the host and run Walker 4) Have Fun. :) Dont Forget to say a thanks if it work for you :) If any Moderator can stick it please? ;) p6r1CIlQT9s
  10. pas ekei kato deksia exei ena sfiraki to patas kai leei EXIT to patas, kai telos einai para polu wraio bug boreis na to eklabeis os cheat.
  11. dont play on dumb servers....
  12. I am glad that some ppl found it out :) over 11.000 views and 200+ replys not bad :D thanks for all.
  13. have clean interlude? .... your file is all ok?
  14. just leave a thanks if you liked it :)
  15. maybe server packet is wrong? :/ dunno have you tryed other versions of walker ?
  16. anyone know any program to make video for better tutorial? :/
  17. npc buffer is a java programs walker cant use java npc's like Clan Hall buff's etc.
  18. http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/516d9a55a35e00fa503eb2e0287283fa
  19. dont know with what program to do video on Windows (i know Fraps only for games) but i will try to help you. at host go and add to mine + your lines by the server should work fine. if its Interlude (its not for Kamael) ;P
  20. crack didnt worked. is your server with Host?
  21. loading what give me a pic.
  22. dude i havent look any edition about OGG because they have other style of crack for each server etc.
  23. i know only "home" bottom can be used to set up it. try to add a keybord to laptop and check it out. :/
  24. People that will start BnB soon its work too.
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