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Ghost Of Sparta

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Posts posted by Ghost Of Sparta

  1. I can make me too an maxcheater cs,from 0 not only to change an background as you probably do :)

    I will make it soon when i got some free time,atm i just come from hospital i gonna to the bed :|

    Have some rest meng :P

    BTW,you don't know her to speak like that,I guess xD!

    i stopped learning :P i am glad with my current style :P its nice dont you think? :P

    Same here :D


  2. To those who doubt it,I can ensure that sofaki is one of the best gfx'ers in here and it's her choice not to expand and get pro.

    She could pwn ya all so stfu :P

    We started together with seeya like a teacher but I wasn't actually following him :P

    we started our ownage :p

    She's the only Girl GFXer in MxC xD

    And what about goddess?I like starting such wars :p

  3. And now more srsly, what about tutorials? showing your sigs to others wont help so much you know..

    If you read what I said,I am premium and regular to the proest gfx websites and I know what the newbies need since I,myself started from zero without being taught a shit.

    I've helped many of our -today- ps users and about my skills,teaching and making,coyote is the one who can talk about them in a better way,I guess.


  4. Well guys , i see a lot of you have skills in designing , rendering, drawing etc and i decided to make a team for you.



    In order to apply this team you have to show me:


    - Some of your work.

    - Your portfolio (if you have any).

    - Your designs/skills in any way.

    - Any other additional information you got.


    Providing that my old account will be unbanned I am sure that I can fulfill all the requirements in order to become a part of this team.

    At first,I am one of the oldest that are still active here as I am member since 2008.In addition the most of the gfx'ers have showed me plenty of respect which means I am capable of handling this section.Furthermore,I have a huge variety of HQ and professional resources which would be shared with our community!

    Answering to your questions now:


    -=Some of my work(will show-off my latest)=-

















    I've made one in teh past but I was too busy to update it so I consider making a new one with DaRkSLaYeR(<3 bro :P)!

    Will show it once I will be finished with it.


    -=My design skills in any way=-

    I've been photoshopping about two years and last summer was my peak.I started following tuts and learned everything from zero.

    Now I've become a good graphics designer mostly experienced in signatures,large pieces and some projects I've been working on lately.

    I have also started using "Cinema4D" and "Adobe After Effects"!


    -=Further Information=-

    All you need to know is mentioned above.

    I think I am suitable for this position since few are the members that overcome my experience in here,and by saying that I mean that I've seen and done a lot!

    You have my msn but w/e--> st.jimmy77@hotmail.com

    Choose Jimmy and ensure your designed future :D


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