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About Calm

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  1. Great work, thans for sharing it.
  2. :D Nice tool, allreay editted a few reuse times and it is in 1 word fantastic. Any idea if this can be made for armours also? ;)
  3. Very nice thing, thanks alot for sharing.
  4. I dit use search, and after i could not find any answers, i posted a new topic. But yes i know.
  5. Ive been trying to make a few custom teleport links inside my GK. But i dont know how to add these inside the gatekeeper ;) For example : 500001 is Darkelf village Now when i walk in that town i wanna make it like i can teleport from the GK in giran to DE village like just outside. When i goto that location i can do /loc and get an x y z location. But in the gatekeeper they use other codes without it. How can i know the location other then y x z? So i can add the loaction to a gatekeeper. Hope you understand what i mean ;)
  6. Thanks alot this is a lifesaver, just changed to 2.4 (i got no npc yet lol)
  7. Thanks alot, great monsters =)
  8. In NPC properties files u see : Configure Minimum and Maximum time multiplier between raid boss re-spawn. By default 12Hours*1.0 for Minimum Time and 24Hours*1.0 for Maximum Time. # Example: Setting RaidMaxRespawnMultiplier to 2 will make the time between # re-spawn 24 hours to 48 hours. # Default: 1.0, 1.0 RaidMinRespawnMultiplier = x.xx # RaidMaxRespawnMultiplier = x.xx
  9. Line: -1 - Column: -1 It says ;)
  10. Thanks found a way to add drops / remove old ones , but now when i wanna spawn mobs from admin panel i get the same message html is to long, so means there are to many mobs in the files?
  11. Nice one , hope i get this loaded :) Nice share thnx
  12. Oh that meight be teh case here, i will try locate that setting somewhere in the files. Never dit a project like this so it is kinda hard to understand everything, Thanks alot Commodus.
  13. LOL i have alot of adena, but for some reason they get kicks from teleports it seems, the sql files i dontr have , it was a pack downloed from here, and didnt have sql files with them, just a fully working backup ;)
  14. Hello all After i installed a teleportal npc to raidbosses i saw that most raidbosses are a little bugged. They or teleport away or teleport me away or they cannot get a Title like .:RaidBoss:. Some hit and some just stand there like a tree. Is there a way to fix this? Meight be i didnt set something right ;) I am using l2 Gracia Final from L2Brazil. Gr Calm
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