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Posts posted by stratoss

  1. i have one 26 level , but no ad runes you can add i have much ip!


    That guy got banned cause he was a scammer and he had another acc named MysteriO$ wich got banned too so avoid trading with them.

  2. Well some people do not want to understand that i will NOT boost someone without paying some price for a start!.If you want boost and you want it NOW you have to pay a price for your account to get boosted NOW.I am not going to boost an account "cause u have no money right now".When you have the money then i start the boost.

  3. Im really sorry i was innactive for 2 days but i had real life problems and they were not depended by me to fix them.Now everything is fine im back ONLINE!And boosts delay is gonne im going to max boosting again and im full till like next thursday so if you wanna get into the queue for next week give me a pm or add me at skype thanks! :happyforever:

  4. just saw these pictures.SUDDEN CLARIFICATION. all these skype contacts are ex-clients of me who paid a lot of money to me already and after the boosts either they got deleted either they deleted me..


    rule number 1: never boost without payments first. no money no honey.you just boosted a trash to plat for no money. he got a good rank you got zero money,we got 1 trash in that zone. good


    just report the account you used to play at riot. use chat logs too


    I don't want any IP search or messing up with my main account or so... That's why i did nothing about it with riot, the only good thing is that he made some ad's for me and even tho he scammed me i gained something from it.Anyway he has switched his name allready and propably his account is sold allready so i don't really care im okay that he got banned.About the money the problem is that 90% is paying me first then going for boost but some "high mxc members" wanna put vouchers infront make trades via middleman and stuff and im negative to all that.From now on and allready my customers know by the time you give me your account you give me a precentage of the money too and then while im boosting it your paying till i finish boost and u finish the payments.So im sure im getting money for my work and you are sure you are paying an account that is actively boosting.

  5. I know there are people who are trying to abuse my services, but you won't get that on me!That guy is R*****s and i asked him personally to come post for me he just created an acc he is my last boosting acc and i asked him personally to come vouch for me since i did a great job for him.Now if you got any problems about my post do not come trashtalk in here im having great time boosting accounts and the numbers are getting insane high everyday and im fine with it soon ill have a new desktop thanks to people that donated me cause ive boosted them and ill add screens and specs in here!Btw ill be busy till tuesday wednesday so if you wanna get boosted ur boosts will start after Thursday

  6. So im thinking if anyone would be intrested of buying some accounts with high rating but nothing else, like i could level some accounts from 1 to 30 lvl and boost in ranked to Gold V Platinum V  Diamond V but nothing else.Just the rating and the levels and the HUGE MMR of course so in every win will take +35-40 points and lose 6-12.If you people are intrested and you would like to order an account PM me or add me at skype "stratos-obelias"

  7. MysteriO$ AKA `BoØmBoØm scammed me.The whole story goes i am a ranked elo booster he said that he will pay me for boosting him i started boosting cause he said he had no money for it right now then he delayed payments day by day and after that a day he comes and change password and block me from skype,proofs are here please do something about it!


    Proofs http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/b9xl.jpg/


  8. MysteriO$ AKA `BoØmBoØm scammed me.The whole story goes i am a ranked elo booster he said that he will pay me for boosting him i started boosting cause he said he had no money for it right now then he delayed payments day by day and after that a day he comes and change password and block me from skype,proofs are here please do something about it!


    Proofs http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/b9xl.jpg/




  9. Nothing smells bad, It's just me boosting up people for low prices,not groups that help me not company or anything and everything is donne because im in a big need right now and more vouchers will come in soon...I got some pm's for vouches but they ask for too much like boosting them from bronze V to silver 1 to vouch me etc...Give me a shot if you really wanna get boosted fast and with prices that will surprise you.!  8)

  10. So my name is Stratos and i've been playing lol since it was still on beta mode and i got thousands of games right now.After some random pm asked me to boost him i accepted and then he brought some friends and ive boosted some more people for money.


    So the prices are really low because im just playing by myself no company or w/e behind all this and the prices are really lower than the other peoples so im boosting from bronze up to Platinum 1!Prices are friendly and if u come in numbers i can low them more!



    If you want to contact PM me or contact me at skype at "stratos-obelias"


    Edit : Im on epvp now too http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/league-legends-trading/2705811-ranked-boost-up-plat-i.html so you could vouch for me there too or just check me out!Thanks


    Some random matches*

    width=1024 height=532http://i.epvpimg.com/4iuzf.png[/img]

    Thanks for your time!

  11. guys just don't enter at this guys server, l2forever was supposed to open and close soon...He took the money from the donations and instead of paying for DDOS he went for holidays for 1 week and server was dying, do you believe it? he made like 3 wipes and fucked it up and plus that he spawned the epic bosses 2 weeks after server opened and it was allready empty... Trust me just do not enter this guys server, if you think im a flamer/hate w/e i don't really care you can all ask around about BBanHammer and you will learn what piece of $#%@ he is.

  12. Hello as the title say i want a bot that will kill the mob loot it and after that skin it.I wanna use it on live servers.I searched a bit on the forums but didn't find anything updated for cataclysm so i kindly ask if you have any idea's where to find one or a link to a bot.I would like to add that im not a bot expert used only fishbot a couple of times :P, so i don't want a bot that's insanly hard to setup and manage.All the info will be appreciated.Thanks for your time!

  13. Hello, since 4.0.3a is here allready and the map changes are donne,i searched for some leveling guide, the only worth i found was Zygor guides but the problem i need to pay 60.00$ and that's not gonna happen :p.So i would like to ask you if there is any other way to obtain zygor leveling guide(excluding trial)without paying, or if you could post me a link where to download it from.I would be really happy especially if you include  80-85 in that guide.Thanks

    (I would like to say sorry for my english if i have any mistakes   ;))

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