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Everything posted by gabryiel1

  1. LF new hi5 server 20x to 10.000x!
  2. man you don't understand me... i know those think about how to start gameserver or loghin server but i don't know how to set up it and configurations.... it's not like interlude l2jserver ... there have 1 folder with do,gameserver,login,sql,tools....Epilogue have more Folder and that's the problem...
  3. w8 a sec man i whanna know how to start it... to open server... like: start gameserver , start login server..
  4. Hi guys i have some problems with creating server because it's more hardly i think L2j server... i have created l2jserver from 0 but now it's more complicated cu it's too more L2jsections(with Gameserver,login server,config) please help me and watch this! thanks' Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. ty very much now it's work:)
  6. Salut baieti/fete va rog frumos as vrea si eu sa fac un server de epilogue mid rate cine ma poate ajuta?? nu am mai facut asta de 2 ani:) am uitat multe lucruri + ca as vrea sa invat mult mai multe ! :) daca doreste cineva contact : gaby_jilava@yahoo.com sau pm Multumesc!
  7. Hi people! I whant a little help for yo if you whant:D I whant to open Gracia epilogue server with no bugs,but i didn't found it :D Can you post some server patch? pls Thanks' Sry for my bad english
  8. lineage.pmfun.com gasesti orice frate aici....
  9. Yea all are ok man ! :|
  10. l2.ini is good :| seted
  11. Server is online but nobody can log in server :| whi ??? pls help me >:( www.l2freedompvp.webs.com << status from server is offline but my server is online whi??? :|:|
  12. Server is online but nobody can log in server :| whi ??? pls help me >:( http://www.l2freedompvp.webs.com << status from site is OFF but my server is online:|
  13. They look good mate, keep sharing.
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