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About anparask

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  1. l2 reef is a very bad server only mages are OP there
  2. Hello i am looking for H5High rate server that have open max 6 months and it isnt too much over donate thanks.
  3. lol isnt 10 bucks man is 20 the limited and 35 the unlimited if i saw correct yesterday
  4. some one else with a FREE programm that works on h5?
  5. man i have add u at skype
  6. Hi guys i am looking for a bot for l2reef.com i tried adrenaline 1.71 but dont works. I need a bot for farm or at least for autocast self-buffs, pots. Btw i would apreciate it if it is free, i know i am asking a lot but thanks for your time..!!
  7. SERVER IS ALIVE ! 400+ ONLINE PEOPLE ! ‪#‎LINEAGE2‬ ‪#‎INTERLUDE‬ ‪#‎L2ELECT‬ Grand Opening 22/4 18.00GMT+3 L2 ELECT X50 Xpexperience:x50 Spexperience:x50 Party Experience:x2 Adena:x400 Drop Quest Items:x15 Seal Stone Drop : x15 Drop (Grand Bosses Jeweley) :x1 GM SHOP till S Grade Global Gatekeeper with lvl zones Retail Q for Sub/Nob No Augments Check more features on our website : http://l2elect.com/features.php If you have any idea post it on our forum : http://l2elect.com/forum/ Like Us on Facebook ! https://invalid.invalid/?pnref=story Join our Advertisement Event http://l2elect.com/f...tisement-event/ And at our forum Event http://l2elect.com/f.../5-forum-event/
  8. Den to les copy paste???eleos gt les psemata????To egrapse mia filh mou kai tis pire 3 mhnes na to grapsei olo kai les den einai copy paste??? Mhpws lew MHPWS to pires apo edw http://lineageistoria.blogspot.gr/. Kai entaxei den exei problima pou to ebales edw pera outws h allws sto blog ths to eixe alla mhn les oti einai doulemeno sta xeria sou re rezili....
  9. i have already seen it but is have one big disadvantage it is all at spanish :/ how i supposed to play when they dont use english language? :(
  10. Hello i am looking for Hi5 server (high rate). I dont care if the server need farm but i want some standards like blessed over 85% (depends max enchant ).No rebirth etc >:( , No over donate and not OP custom items (i dont have problem with custom but i dont like custom armor with +10k Hp :-\ ). Ty :)
  11. Hello i want to sell my player at official. It is a tank 90lvl (shilen server) with full twilight armor and weapon for more details please contact with me at my e-mail : anparask@yahoo.gr , or with a message to my profile . :)
  12. paidia exw ena thema prospathw na mpw me bot sto l2pharos alla exei kali prostasia dokimasa walker , net kai tower alla tpt nai men logaro alla den mporw na anoi3w ta parathira twn programmatwn .... uparxei kapoios tropos na parablepsoume tin prostasia?
  13. alloz paides exw mai aporia exw trabi3ei merika video ingame kai m ta exei apothikeusi me katali3i l2r 3erei kaneis kanena converter gia na ta alla3w se kati allo gt epsa3a alla den brika tpt Ty??? (sorry an eimai se wrong section)
  14. *Xp: 100x *Party Xp: 200x *Sp: 1000x *Drop: 2x *Safe: 6 *Max: 20 *Normal Enchant: 66% *Blessed Enchant: 85% *Rb's Drop: 1x *Rb's Respawn: 24 Hours *Custom Mini Rb's Respawn: 2 Hours *Attribute System Max LvL: 4 *Attribute Chance: 40% *Certification *Olympiad Every Two Weeks *Olympiad Max Enchant +6 *TvT Every Two Hours *NO Custom Items *All High Five skills *Skills Auto Learn *Gm Shop *Scheme Buffer *Buffs Slots: 40 *Songs/Dances Slots: 20 http://l2bloodmoon.com/
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