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Everything posted by killmeoff

  1. Max level is now 80
  2. Closed due to seize and desist. Thank you to all the players who supported AionSun Fury.
  3. PLEASE READ BOTTOM OF MY POST FOR HOW I FIXED THIS AND READ CAREFULLY EDIT: I've searched everywhere to try to find a fix to this problem. While doing some research and seeing aion-emu was "discontinued" or no longer "supported", I've found a link that goes from their old website for aion-emu to www.aion-empire.com. With client version I was able to download their launch.bat named "ae_server" and their d3dx9_38.dll which I see they modified. The modified d3dx9_38.dll works with the .bat file they have so you can connect. Since Fyyre does not have an updated no_ip_restrict, you can only use their d3dx9_38.dll since they modified it. The question here is, it's easy to alter the .bat file they have called AE_Server.bat by right clicking on it and changing; if exist ..\L10N\1_enu.pak ( start aion.bin -ip: -ng -port:2106 -cc:1 -lang:ENU -noweb ) else ( start aion.bin -ip: -ng -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:ENU -noweb ) to if exist ..\L10N\1_enu.pak ( start aion.bin -ip:YOURIPHERE -ng -port:2106 -cc:1 -lang:ENU -noweb ) else ( start aion.bin -ip:YOURIPHERE -ng -port:2106 -cc:2 -lang:ENU -noweb ) but the tricky part is altering the d3dx9_38.dll to make it work for your server. Would anybody like to help me with this so we can give it to the rest at maxcheaters? Here is the files they use http://www.mediafire.com/file/y43njnzomnk/ae_server.zip The AE_Server.bat and d3dx9_38.dll goes into your bin32 folder, and you click on AE_Server.bat to make it run. Don't worry, even if it says stuff about the country code, try running it a couple more times, it WILL work once we have altered it as a no_ip_restrict_fix for maxcheaters! I'm not to pro with this, but simple looking around in the files with a .dll editor will fix the d3dx9_38.dll If the above method does not work, then I'm 90% certain that the problem lays with backdated svn/trucks. If the source isn't up to par, then your client will not be able to connect, hence why people get stuck at the screen unless they are using versions like to which can all be patched to and function on databases like ones from Aion-Unique which are currently at ***********************************SELF-FIXED**************************************** 1. Ok here's what I've done. I've compiled and used the aion-unique svn. Fresh compiled, not a downloaded repack. 2. I put the file d3dx9_38.dll from the AE_Server file I attached above in my post, put that file into my bin32 folder. I got my hands on a clean bin32, I patched the I downloaded and ran my own launcher.bat with the localhost. 3. This means, I overwrote the bin32 with a bin32 I patched up and bam! I can get into the server! download this http://www.filefront.com/15981611/ overwrite your download this http://www.mediafire.com/file/y43njnzomnk/ae_server.zip and put ONLY the file d3dx9_38.dll in your bin32 folder and launch the game :D
  4. open your ncsoft launcher, go into the settings at the top of the launcher and set your region to the region the server reqiures. This will solve your region problem.
  5. Delete the d3dx9_38.dll in your bin32 folder.
  6. Not sure how to give +1 karma because I don't see that, but +1 karma if a mod can add it for me ^^. Also Commodus, I enjoy your repacks, wondering if you will be adding more or if this topic is being discontinued. Thanks again!
  7. Yes, I've used search, read other people's topic and replies, found "put the fyyre's no_ip_restrict files in bin32 folder". Nothing works for me so here's what I have done. 1. NCSoft launcher updates to now, so I've let it update to as bin32 from works with it as others are using that and claimed it does work. 2. Replaced the bin32 with bin32 folder contents. 3. Placed fyyre's no_ip_restrict files in bin32 folder. 4. Run launch.bat 5. Can login on LOGIN SERVER. 6. Selecting game server I get stuck and cannot enter(freezes). Yes login and game server run fine, the configs are set for local host Any help to gain entry into the server would be appreciated, thank you.
  8. EDIT: Nothing is working that I've tried. I need a 1.5.1.xx copy of aion that will actually run. I've tried reading some topics, people got the problem resolved and never posted the damn resolution. -.- Commodus made a great tutorial on setting up a server, did that, au ls and gs run fine. Problem is I cannot connect with the client, and why? Because my version surpassed and was at and there's no tutorials on downpatching except the obvious, delete this and that. Tried deleting the bin32, but what am I supposed to do after that... oh wait, let's see, let it repair/patch up... tried that, but it doesn't stop in between, it continue's on. I need a clean ready to localhost connect method. Please don't give me a link to download 9-10 gigs of crap. That stuff doesn't work, I have the collector's edition disks, yes I support the game, killing time waiting on expansion. fyyre's no ip fix works with the launch.bat I have. Problem is, because my version won't go inbetween, i'm stuck in limbo as I can't find any files that will just fix it.
  9. -=Sunset Gaming=- New baby born server, new and old community. We are targeted towards a mature audience of 18+ mature players. 10x XP 10x SP 10x Pet XP 10x Pet SP 15x Party XP 15x Party SP 15x Adena PvP/Pk Ranking PvP/PK Zone/Town 1 point Karma gain/loss Dragonknight Royal Guard GM Shop No GM corruption Petitioning system 1Hour Buffer, starter towns and Giran Auto-skill All clan skills Festival of darkness (group or solo) 18 slot vendor 350 slot warehouse Iron man (no weight penalty) 60 buffs max 24 hour character deleter 24 hour clan create/join/leave/ally 1 hour skill buffs Free Gatekeeper Mana Potion (100 mana) Mana Drug (250 mana) Full geodata/path/node Star mobs (enemies that explode giving better loot) Safe Enchant +6 Enchant Max +65535 Beautiful Enchant Glows +1-+100 Enchant Scroll success 70% Blessed Enchant Scroll success 80% Team Versus Team Wedding Ceremony (heterosexual) Wedding Ceremony (Gay/Lesbian)(no discrimination) 1 Hour boss respawn Equal Classes + Subclasses No Custom Items No Custom OP Quests No Custom Pets or accessories We're trying to keep as close to retail as possible. We want our communities to feel that method of greatness when they actually work for it. We had a 5000x rates pvp fun server, but it was crowded with bad people and bad GM's. We've fired all previous GM's and will stay with hosting only near retail servers. If any newcomers receive any type of abuse from the new GM's, please let me know. I'll make sure that it does not happen to you again http://SunsetL2.freehostia.com but is relocating to www.SunsetGaming.net soon.
  10. Solved my own problem. 2:13am, Zzz...Changed variables and used a 64-bit eclipse. Self solved, this can be deleted or left as reference to anybody else who has the same problem.
  11. Greetings! Ok, I'm trying to get eclipse to work, I have JDK/JRE latest installed, but I still get the following when attempting to open eclipse A Java Runtime Envirnment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be avilable in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching in the following locations: C:\eclipse-SDK-3.5.1-win32\eclipse\bin\javaw.exe javaw.exe in your current PATH I know how to get into the path variables, but I don't know where I'm supposed to direct eclipse to look =\ Like where am I directing this? I've tried setting the path variable to C:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_18\jre\bin\javaw.exe but it's not working. The damn eclipse just wants to look in it's own folder and won't look anywhere else like to the path "C:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\" or "C:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\javaw.exe" but i've even tried the second one, even though it's supposed to be directed to the path bin folder. EDIT: I just noticed I'm using a eclipse 32-bit version with a 64-bit java platform, I'm going to download the eclipse 64 bit and try that, will post back results. Thanks for any support provided! 8)
  12. topic can be closed/deleted, thank you all for your support, highly appreciated!
  13. http://www.filefront.com/15832311/weapongrp.dat/ is my weapongrp.dat file, the following has been made in the skill id xml; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <item id='50000' name="The_Killing_Pair"> <for> <set val='513' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/> <set val='207' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/> <set val='10' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/> <add val='10' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/> <set val='479' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/> <!-- Custom --> <skill onCrit='1' id='96' lvl='6' chance='100'/> <add order='0x40' stat='rCrit' val='130'> <mul val='1.10' order='0x30' stat='maxHp'/> <and> <player hp='70'/> </and> </add> </for> </item> </list> And the item ID look of the item is 10278 which is a monster weapon http://lineage.pmfun.com/item/10278/monster-only-behamah-dual.html but is dual swords, but the custom weapon entry ID is 50000 which is the new ID. Thanks for your assistance.
  14. I've tried patching, it does not patch. This is a clean installed Gracia Epilogue live client, nothing has been touched, modified and/or replaced. With new clean install - patching does not work I can however run l2editfile 2.4 latest and open other files that are non ".dat" files, which really is a bummer for me. I wanted to put in 1 custom weapon.
  15. I guess I'm going to have to try a full reinstall. It is a clean untouched, unaltered system folder.
  16. Thanks Jim, but that's the version I've been working with and it's still not working. =\ ClinT~ I've also tried the patcher previous to making the topic, I get this And then i tried that ct++ loader and i get no where. EDIT: I've forgotten to mention none of these files have been altered previously, they are the updated originals. Clean.
  17. EDIT: Fresh install, downloaded patched system by raule and works, thanks to everybody for their support.
  18. Tested the package with 2.4 Epilogue, doesn't work properly, just incase anybody is going to try.
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