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About S0LD13R

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S0LD13R's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. hello, i want to buy a lot of kinah on high rate infinite server, offer euro. i need 100kk+ payment method is western or bank transfer. please pmme
  2. Is this forum acc created by you yust to recommend your self? 1 post? please dude...
  3. Hey, where could i farm BEAB? i want to make my AQ +16, client H5
  4. Hey boys n girls :) I need a crest for my clan n ally, clan it's called TacosAndTequila - TNT (sarcasm about one mexican leader of other clan that we dont get along very good). If someone can make me some cool ally+clan crest for it i would appriciate a lot. I can't pay you with real money but if u come n play on my server(l2retro) i can hook u up with items :) Kind regards, S0LD13R
  5. http://l2retro.com/
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