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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Pic of her of the girl
  2. I give 12 karma and a shitty award btw , only guests guess 10yo kids looking for L2mafia bugs,or even porn(lol)
  3. yeah vacations no school you know wtb ur cat
  4. find the strange thing
  5. Quite good.Your cat did it?
  6. Dimis said at 1/1,but it's ok,i didn't expected this to happen.Wait 1-2 weeks but it's gonna be a good server to play,fun,pwn 10yo kids,w/o donators also features are gonna be good
  7. I am gonna start at No donate Ken Abigail when it opens
  8. i will make him start L2Mafia together with us ;)
  9. There was nothing back then.How did u know,it has quality but still,nothing can be compared to zZ
  10. I still can't believe it was not a prank lol but we,like the disscusion about this btw,if you knew my clan leader, a guy,he would make you start L2 again,just to play with him Ultra fckin laugh at VT with him.Ask WeirdSituation
  11. XAXAXAXAXAXAXA that time,there was nothing there.We thought it was a joke now there is one xaxaxa but the best part was this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=169455.0 quality man
  12. Also,we are active L2 players most of them,in that shitty section,say bullshits why not to answer and spread our experience lol
  13. Isn't there a special section for 5k+ posters,with special quality porn?
  14. Liar
  15. αυτος τρωει unban νομιζω σε 1-2 μερες
  16. fck it no less than 3 sentences each time...just for 18 adena and we gave that adena to vazelos lol
  17. You care for ur ROmaniacs ;)
  18. She was a zombie having sex with mummys,in a graveyard
  19. L2General Disc greek has many many pro threads,i haven't noticed that lol.Much more than i was imagining
  20. :( numbers say 15 post per day
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=49.0 check this we have -Disscusion topics:The better action u did in L2 the worse action the dumbest actions the funniest actions we have guides.To comment,make them better,and make fun of noob author and make him fix them(we are right,though) we have disscusion (px donations,what u should put,let chat about that) L2GOD Topic and many others Normally they should lock 50% of these topics in start
  22. 40 post per day(ppd) or just make 40 posts in one day? and believe me,NONE of my posts can be considered as spam.Maybe some other greek's yes,not mine
  23. Some people don't know this also,it's better having retail system always clean
  24. Ακομα l2sentinel παιζεις;
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