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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Σιγα μην ασχοληθει η ncsoft με το L2 τωρα ρε.... @ Author [Guide] ?
  2. μπααα
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193347.0;topicseen @Hell http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193080.0;topicseen lock reason? There is no C1 Java pack.Let him do at topic at L2Off section
  4. New acc?
  5. Ρε σου λεω θα αλλαξουμε membergroup
  6. ρε μαλακα θα φτασουμε 30 ποστ περ ντεη
  7. αυτο ειναι καλυτερο απο του wrd!
  8. It will be tragic
  9. Reptant_


    I guess the meaning of this awards is to be kinda rare,not everyone having them so for that 1-2 awards,the other guy has to make many things to gain them No award for 5 guides,lol(ex)
  10. Reptant_


    What else do you want you have a decent L2J section with some very good codes You have a full client mod section,with countless good topics You have some decent exploits(kinda rare,but helpful,in 2011 ) You have a good bot section(now with Tilemachos,the only working bot in rpg-club,and other good servers) CS section has some old but good shares you can't call something dead,so easily anyway,we are away of this topic's theme
  11. Reptant_


  12. Ποτε δεν σου λεμε για fix σε gmod/l2mod action... lol Ο χρήστης fulgericalastarica@yahoo.com λέει care joci dota pe garena si vrei sa joci fara mh go join room 4 Ο χρήστης Peter aka Finito λέει ah?
  13. Πες του: Ask Sido.He knows
  14. Drama Queens οπως λεει και ο φιλτατος furiosus
  15. 10 λεπτα ελειψα βαλαμε goal και με κανανε ρεπορτ χδ
  16. It wouldn't have the problem if someone smitted me for this reason believe me
  17. Are u kidding me? he posted RO in GOST and other one is for posting : Wrong Section all the time
  18. Reptant_


    Also,can i get 2-3 awards?:P 15x15 saks,but we can find other images for that
  19. Reptant_


    Does forum support that big awards? ED has award giving priv,he can do it,if all others agree it's a good idea
  20. Πέτρος, your ideal job is:Bets manager for dog races :) μαλακας, your ideal job is:Prime minister :)
  21. Consider the 3 attributes in armor in Freya,so this gonna fail hard
  22. μαλακας, your ideal job is:Prime minister :) ΓΙΑ ΑΥΤΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ Ο ΓΙΩΡΓΑΚΗΣ ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΣ
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