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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Εσυ τον αναγνωριζεις δηλαδη;
  2. o ED εχει απαντηση ;Δ
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=195568.0;topicseen
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=198254.0;topicseen Bots(EN) + DIsc tags
  5. 50% (or maybe less) cause u don't have valakas
  6. Zampidis ftw xd (i don't even know if it's the same sport,lol ><)
  7. Cause we are in 2011
  8. Sub-Class quest:OFC yes,but with baium's dagger in shop Nobless:Retail for the reasons u mentioned
  9. I mentioned in the start of this guide,that i can't mention everything.It's mostly like AIO guides u can find i NET it says things generally,so it gives a general opinion,and some tips Atleast,you should help me making it better
  10. my mistake..lol >< erase
  11. Τωρα που ξαναβλεπω τα guides μου απορω...πως εκανα τετοια πραγματα μεσα σε 1-1:30 ωρα..
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=158589.msg1177248#msg1177248 great guide
  13. Αν ανεβαζεις server απο το σπιτι σου,συμβουλη,μην βαλεις geodata αν ανεβαζεις σε dedi,ειναι must,γιατι αποφευγονται πολλα bug
  14. Καλα στο PC σου γινεται,ΤΟ ΧΑΟΣ χωστα ολα σε εναν φακελο να μην φαινονται χδ
  15. This is how we do
  16. stfu or
  17. Most servers don't have protection anyway,buying a booter for 25 euro or w/e is just ok,i guess(. . .) You can find some people selling. The one i know from here,is extremebooter,from hli4s
  19. Δεν το ειδα το Ματς παντως καλα παιξανε,αν δεις τις φασεις
  20. Συμπρωταθλημα ΓΙΕΣ Ναι χθες δεν επαιξαν με παθος κκ
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