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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. What no rly dude?
  2. drama yeah
  3. C3 in 2004? ???
  4. i7 with that specs,at 32mn technology? come on dude,amd doesn't even have hyperthreading and is still at 45mn..
  5. AMD is good,but old technology IMO and if you buy one now,it will be useless kinda soon Noone ever regreted buying an i-7 CPU,it's absolutely powerful
  6. !
  7. Με το ρολοι 300 seconds,80 till next attack αντε να μπει hli4s/deathlegend..
  8. απλα να γινει ενα blacklist
  9. ενταξει σιγουρο ειναι
  10. φαινεται απο τους χρονους οτι ειναι αυτο 300 sec βαρας 70 περιμενεις οπως εδω χδ
  11. παιζει να βαρανε απο extremebooter
  12. ετοιμαζεται να ξαναψοφησει
  13. Τα τελευταια 15 χρονια παει χαλια,βασικα..
  14. Cause actions in that topic are taken after many hours,and a lock is needed in order to avoid spamming from people:help isn't allowed,etc plus,there is no reason to stay open
  15. There are few exceptions
  16. I was reffering to the point,that Xmanton had a target.To make server even better
  17. Yeah ^^ Anyway,just paying for a server,is just not good
  18. It's not always true. Remember XManton/Narda with Maxtor they did build a nice server but let's don't forget that their target best server->More donations->More money for them :)
  19. απο λεφτα; εμμμμ δεν ξερω παντως εμενα με πρηζανε για donations
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=199575.0;topicseen requesting help @ L2jbrasil,lock it
  21. Cool custom armor? come on...
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