Τhere were people commiting in mxc community
Myself,i have made quite a lot guides.And not for karma mostly,as some guys thing
did staff care?of course ,not
anyway,people here don't think like that.Reward,or i do nothing,i don't care
Cause,in the end,there is no reason of sharing something...
Just for useless karma?
Instead of sharing,just burn your ass in reports,and you may gain something
Exactly..since you won't gain anything
fanky is willing to do anything
btw,imo maxtor should just disable Uploader's permission to Staff board,and just make some members uploaders
so->You have a rank(award) without ruining anything...and don't care about anything else this person does,he will be just as a simple member
I told...IF
and forum has kind of good L2Off devs..(good=atleast basic knowledge of things,can give something useful)
I remember Narda was willing to help ..but?
maybe someone like these
btw,i just see Matim
active-willing to help/moderate
but with only LOCK
Αφου δεν κανουν καν hide τα topic σε L2J DEV/Client mods,που στο κατω κατω 70% απο τα ατομα στο mxc ειναι για αυτα εδω...
να μου πεις ποιος απο τους lifer mods να κατσει να το κανει..αυτο ειναι αλλο θεμα
Sections->Useless,imo,except if someone is gonna bring activity there
Ranks->You need new sections.Though,ranks need editing
Mods->Not so much....only if something is really good+needed,it can do some job
Δεν ειναι ολοι το ιδιο
ειναι αναλογα την κατασταση και τους moderators...
ηταν/ειναι πολλοι που εκαναν shares/reports μονο και μονο για 1 θεση
ειναι μερικοι που συνεχισαν και μετα...
αν καταλαβαινεις τι εννοω
You can see that forum is still active at L2 General Discussions,and Develop sections
Especially in develop sections,there is not even a post count hide...
There are not exploits for L2 anymore.Or they are very few and rare
But you can't make forum from scratch for sure
ε και;
Δεν προκειται να φας ban,ετσι οπως ειναι η κατασταση τωρα,μην ανησυχεις
ακομα και ο Maxtor παραξενευτηκε οταν εμαθε οτι με ειχαν κανει ban για αυτον τον λογο..φαντασου(πριν το ddos)
forum is not gonna die,but it's going way boring and...having shares only from 2009 is kinda..lolrofl
Most staffers are kinda inactive and bored of making big things...