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  1. Try universal aimbot 2.0 beta 1.6 google it
  2. I updated it so if ur running windows 7 try downloading the 1.57 ver. For some people this program will crash on startup and there's no fix for that.
  3. Short introduction: This little program will help you get headshots. All it does is take a lot of screenshots of the game, a little image analysis, then moves the mouse for you in cs:s. This aimbot is superior to other aimbots out there since it does a bit block transfer directly to an array, then the array is split into colors using minimal cpu usage. All other aimbots that I've encountered use getpixel which is about 200 times slower. This aimbot works for many other games other than CSS. Release date: March 7, 2010 (1.57) VAC status: By the way it operates it is 100% VAC proof without a doubt. It doesn't modify the game in any way. All it does is take screenshots of the game and move your mouse. Requirements: There are 3 requirements that should be met before you run this program. 1. You will need colored skin CT models or colored T models which a material wallhack has, the models can be any color. 2. .NET framework 2.0 is required. You should have it already through windows update. 3. VB6 runtime files. All versions of windows currently have it and you can download them if you somehow don't have it. Solution to problems: The aimbot is targeting corpses Type cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 in console I don't know how to install the material wallhack It tells you on the bottom of the page The aimbot is shaking too much Lower the aimbot sensitivity and disable any CSS mouse acceleration Type cl_showfps 2 in console and change graphic settings to increase FPS to over 60 Try using the default aimbot settings instead of playing with the numbers The Aimbot does nothing at all Make sure raw mouse input in css is disabled You need a colored player model to target, look at the picture below to see what I mean DISABLE ALL ANTI-ALIASING! The aimbot keeps aiming upward Your crosshair is the same color as what you are trying to target, why don't you set the crosshair to green? by typing cl_crosshaircolor 0. The aimbot aims too slowly Increase the aimbot sensitivity What settings should I use with the default aimbot settings Windows mouse sensitivity should be on the 6th notch, windows enhanced precision disabled, the CSS mouse sensitivity your using should be entered in the aimbot, and CSS mouse acceleration disabled. Picture of Universal aimbot 1.53 Picture of what I mean by colored models TURN OFF ANY ANTI-ALIASING Change log (1.43 - 1.53) Fixed a handle leak bug when .net 3.5 SP1 wasn't installed, increased long range aimbot precision and tracks far away moving enemies much better, captures and analyzes screenshots slightly faster, takes into account Hz of the monitor and realtime FPS to change sensitivity settings every second, and automatically turns the aero theme on/off for windows 7. Fixed a ton of bugs and removed aimbot acceleration (1.51). Added ability to switch between bitblt and copyfromscreen (1.53). Added ability to change teams using the hotkey X. Added sounds when turning the aimbot on/off and switching teams. Fixed a bug that caused css mouse sensitivity, sensitivity, fps to not change the aimbot sensitivity(1.54). ON the to do list Constantly switching to nearby enemies, targeting the name that appears below an enemy, targeting the scoreboard when you press tab, and more responsive on/off toggle. Virus total on universal aimbot 1.57 - result 0/42 Download link for universal aimbot 1.57: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I41GRM0O Dark grid simple version material wallhack: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Normal walls wallhack (90% opacity) good to keep game looking nice: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service NEW: Normal walls version (50% opacity) good to color aimbot most doors/walls: Removed. Link dead! NEW: Normal walls version (25% opacity) good to color aimbot all doors/walls: Removed. Link dead! Full ver download link for advanced users wallhack: Removed. Link dead! To install wallhack: Using windows explorer/folder viewer, go to C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\(your user name here)\counter-strike source\cstrike\ directory. After you go there, you should see a folder called materials. Delete it and copy the materials from the hack to your cstrike directory. You'll then need to restart CSS if it is running already for CSS to load the textures or mat_reloadallmaterials might work as well. Also, what is included is not the full version since it the full version uses about 9mb memory. To uninstall wallhack: Simply delete the materials folder in your cstrike directory. You'll probably remove some custom map files so you'll have to re-download them, but this is the easiest way. EDIT 4/20/11: Updated post with latest universal aimbot version.
  4. Short introduction: This little program will help you get headshots. All it does is take a lot of screenshots of windows (which happens to be cs:s covering the screen), a little image analysis, then moves the mouse for you in cs:s. Release date: December 9, 2010 (1.11) VAC status: By the way it operates it is 100% VAC proof without a doubt. It doesn't modify the game in any way. All it does is take screenshots of your desktop and moves your mouse. Requirements: There are 2 requirements that should be met before you run this program. 1. You will need colored skin CT models or colored T models which freakvision v3 has, the models can be any color. You can get the pure blue ct and pure red T skin from freakvision v3 located here: FreakVision [100% Undetected Wallhack] Download link for freakvision v3 http://www.2shared.com/file/IzwoE0Lh/FREAKVISIONv3_no_smoke.html 2. .NET framework 3.5 is required. You should have it already through windows update. Stuff you should know: * The aimbot does not move the mouse until you are in the game * Don't want this aimbot to target corpses? type cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 in console * To install just models for freakvision, you'll need to go to this directory, if it doesn't exist then create folders until it is made. C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\(your user name here)\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\models\player then copy the contents inside freakvisionv3\materials\models\player to that directory above * You should tweak aimbot sensitivity, css mouse sensitivity, and acceleration to get this aimbot to aim better * If the aimbot wobbles too much, then lower mouse sensitivity or aimbot sensitivity * The aimbot is still hardcoded to scan 100 pixel by 100 pixel in the middle of the screen * The default aimbot settings were made using css mouse sensitivity of 3 and no css acceleration * In maps such as cs_office and cs_assault, you should set the aimbot to look for the absolute color since there is ghosting which messes your aim. So for terrorist you would set it to 255 to 255 red, 0 to 0 green, and 0 to 0 blue. * This aimbot works for almost every first person shooter with colors to target * The aimbot does not work with raw mouse input in CSS Virus total on universal aimbot 1.11 result 0/43 Download link: universal aimbot 1.21
  5. This aimbot will work on any game, including the desktop. If you use mspaint and you paint the middle of your screen red/blue then your mouse will be stuck in the middle. Nes aimbot 2.1 is now out and is the last ver of nes aimbot since one of my hard drives has died :( and now I have no sources for nes aimbot. http://www.filedropper.com/nesaimbot21 I'll now be working on universal aimbot which is gonna use directx instead of bitblt which is gonna eliminate ghosting and increase accuracy + fps. Universal aimbot is gonna be 10x greater than this :). Don't forget that if you got problems with wobbling or the aim being off then use all of those neat settings included with the aimbot, you'll be able to fix them. Universal aimbot is gonna be groundbreaking, no need for material skins to target ppl! It'll look for key color codes on the screen in clumps such as arm + head + leg color = enemy and check for motion/muzzle fire to determine if there is an enemy on the screen and instantly shoot them :). Included with this is the ability to instantly fire at anything moving when your standing still (with small delay) so on scoutknivez/awp maps you'll own everytime.
  6. This is really outdated now nes aimbot 2.0 eliminates wobbling and works in fullscreen or windowed mode for all windows versions, has other improvements too. nes aimbot 2.0 DL LINK: http://www.filedropper.com/nesaimbot20 You'll also need a material wallhax like freakvision u can DL here: http://www.filedropper.com/freakvisionv3
  7. I've released the source to that program to make all those people STFU. It was a bnet flooder proogy :) It's located here if your interest, I started the prog about 4 yrs ago so the code is a little messy and i never decided to clean it up. You would go to http://www.esnips.com/web/nesucks and download Geno 1.7f source.zip
  8. If you had read all that I wrote, you'd know that your desktop resolution is set to 16bit instead of 32bit. By the way, setting your desktop to 16bit gives no performance improvements unless your computer was built more than 10 years ago.
  9. Short introduction: This little program will help you get headshots. All it does is take a lot of screenshots of windows (which happens to be cs:s covering the screen), a little image analysis, then moves the mouse for you in cs:s. It's very simple so it can't distinguish between corpses and alive but will get you headshots often. All you need to do is move your aim near your enemy and the mouse should move right over their head and track the enemy. You may still change your aim a little even though the program is tracking the enemy. Release date: Mar 6, 2010 (2.0) VAC status: By the way it operates it is 100% VAC proof without a doubt. It doesn't modify the game in any way. All it does is take screenshots of your desktop using the BitBlt api with the DC from the GetDesktopWindow handle, moves your mouse through windows api, clicks your mouse through windows api, and checks if the middle mouse button has been pressed down every 1ms. Requirements: There are 2 requirements that should be met before you run this program. 1. You will first need pure skin blue CT models and pure skin red T models which freakvision v3 has. 2. You should set mouse sensitivity to 3 which is the default mouse sensitivity to counterstrike and set your windows mouse sensitivity to default levels. The default level is the MIDDLE bar for mouse sensitivity, which is the 6th notch for windows XP/Vista/7. Enhanced pointer precision should be disabled. You can get the pure blue ct and pure red T skin from freakvision v3 located at bottom of this post. Stuff you should know: * Is your aimbot wobbling around? Download nes aimbot 1.8 and beyond because it's been fixed. * Don't want this aimbot to target corpses? type cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 in console * Sick of bullet holes blocking the view of your enemy? type r_decal_cullsize 100 in console * Press the middle mouse button to turn the aimbot on or off. * This aimbot is now designed to only be ran in FULLSCREEN mode for ALL Windows versions, if you want to run it in windowed mode you should change the Y-AXIS from 2 to -1 or 0. New in 2.0: much more improved automatic firing. Currently fires 10ms after target pixel is within 10 X & Y pixels near crosshair with pure color detected. Direct download link for NeS Aimbot 2.0 http://www.filedropper.com/nesaimbot20 Direct download link for Freakvision v3 http://www.filedropper.com/freakvisionv3
  10. Version 1.5 is out and comes with significant improvements... Some1 update the link b/c i cant post DL links
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