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Posts posted by Soula

  1. That just proves how easy it is to lvl up, deleveling system is spot on and its needed in my opinion. Being afraid to pvp? if thats the case, no reason a person would come to this kind of featured server in the first place. Anyway u start from lvl 76 its pvp all the way, but deleving gives it a bit more dynamic gameplay. As far as end game goes staff still adding things to the server and the basis, as it was always, is the pvp, thats the end game for you... :) Though as i stated earlier, pvp area should be changed.


    P.S. Accumulate bigger community, for pvp=exp system it's vital.

    Liked the server.

    Think after 1-2 weeks , there will be prolly the 90% of the server 80 Level.

    When a newcomer comes , He will take one PvP and dies like 20 times = Not worth playing.

    Its a PvP Server cmon , people come for pure pvp , nothing more nothing else


  2. Απλα στο beta βαλτα ευκολα η free για να ειναι testable και τα balances

    Δεν νομιζω να χρειαζεσαι να τεσταρεις ποσες μερες θα του παρει του αλλου να παρει το ταδε exp

    αυτα υποτιθεται ειναι φτιαγμενα.


  3. For me us i see the server it is a problem if they exist not it they dont. You will still have them on weapons though.

    That will be worst then .

    If you dont want attributes on armor , you must disable them from weapon aswell


  4. After making the Final armor  ex Elegia

    Will you still gather Nether power to make it aswell 100%?

    Plus attributes  , are gettin affected of evolving?

    ex: Draconic with Some kind of attribute -> Dynasty with the same attribute level?

  5. Gearing UP inside the NetherRealm


    So here is another core feature i would like to show and inside that part i will also include some parts of what "Stuff" you will be able to buy with donation.


    So every time you hit a level which your grade changes (20/40/52/61/76) you will be able to instantly get the gear for that grade.

    This feature will last until the level 76 and the point where you get your first S armor and weapon. Note here that all of these items you get for free.

    From that point you are on your own. Every 10 enchants on a part of armor or weapon your item will reset enchant but it will also get 10% Nether power.

    So lets say i have my gloves of draconic armor on +9 after that the gloves will go +0 but they will get a 10% after their name.

    When every single part of armor and weapon go 100% it will automatically change to the next grade item which in that case is Dynasty gear.


    How you gonna enchant?

    Simple. Just PvP.

    Yeah guys it is simple pvp. There will be zones sorted out by gear in which you will be unknown between unknowns. Your name changes, your clan crest is hidden and you appearance changes to the opposite gender. Inside these zones the more you pvp the more chance you have to get +1 on a random part of your armor. The more your gear parts get enchanted and get more % of nether power the less chance they have to be enchanted again. The most difficult stage to get enchanted is obviously the 90%. Pvp is also the best way to XP after lvl 80 where you will need A LOT of XP in order to get to 85.


    You cannot enchant your gear with enchant scrolls as they are disabled. However there will be some enchanting scrolls which will occupationally be dropped in these pvp areas as pvp rewards.




    So you will probably see our donation way in beta however it will be disabled. You just donate with a note in paypal sayng "Character: Elfocrash" and when you log you will go to the donation npc, type the trans ID in the textbox and automatically get 1 donation coin for 1 euro.


    You will not be able to donate gear. Yeah this is a server and a project i put a lot of effort in and i want it to last.

    What you will be able to donate will be a potion called "Potion of Combat Vitality" which will double the xp you recieve by 100% and lasts for 1 hour and

    10% of nether power.

    What i mean? Every time you are in a gear set you will be able to insta buy 10% of nether power in each part of your gear but ONLY ONCE per gear set.

    Let me explain.

    Lets say i have dynasty on 0%. I can buy to upgrade it by 10% at a time with a max of 50% but this is only for dynasty. After that if i have Vesper i will still be able to buy 50% on vesper too. Prices scale with gear scaling.

    Gearing up might be a bit trouble.

    I Mean There are S-Dynasty-Vesper-Elegia

    Every part of armor shall have 100% Nether Power in order to Evolve?

    a Suggestion,  Wouldnt it be better if you put Neither power only On Main Body armors?



  6. Dats plain dumb. So in 100 pvps I have almost ended game right? apart from a few enchants and oly.


    There was one day beta yesterday and even we were 80 level we had the top 3 pvpers with 400-300-200 pvp each and the rest 80+

    Pure PvP , Nothing else

    there are sieges/Solo Instances/Farm/Olympiad

    Its interlude after all


  7. If u dont delevel when u die,no point then. Whenever u go up,u can go down as well. Maybe make it dat u lose some xp,not as much as when u take a pvp. For example, gain 3% from 1 pvp,lose 1% from a death.

    Thats clearly a bad idea.

    Someone wnat to make it as far as faster he can to reach 80 so he can pvp freely and having a good time.

    If there is a delevel , people might be even afraid to go on pvp .


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