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About bjorkker02

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  1. Thx man! But I have this error on version 0.4 "Erreur : could not find driver" ty
  2. Tyvm Prince* Based on this code, I also managed to lock my AIOs going out of towns !
  3. Hi guys! I have a custom Instance Event Party and original solo event by Bloodshed, perhaps I have a noob problem :lol: How to change another instance, like this coords ? { final teleCoord tele = new teleCoord(); tele.x = -213472; tele.y = 244894; tele.z = 2019; enterInstance(player, "Bloodshedparty.xml", tele); return ""; } Bacause always, the players go to Tower of Naia but I dont see Naia instance id [/noob] private static final int INSTANCEID = 555555; ???
  4. Hello folks then .. :-[ I need help with my AIOs since restrict them from leaving towns is hard so I would know how to use a punishment for such In L2TownZone.java this protected void onExit(L2Character character) { // TODO: there should be no exit if there was possibly no enter if (_isPeaceZone) character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE, false); character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_TOWN, false); if (character instanceof L2PcInstance) { if (((L2PcInstance)character).isDonator() && getTownId() == 7) { ((L2PcInstance)character).sendMessage("AIOs can't leave town. You are now back."); ((L2PcInstance)character).teleToLocation(MapRegionTable.TeleportWhereType.Town); } else if (((L2PcInstance)character).isDonator() && getTownId() == 8) { ((L2PcInstance)character).sendMessage("AIOs can't leave town. You are now back."); ((L2PcInstance)character).teleToLocation(MapRegionTable.TeleportWhereType.Town); } else ((L2PcInstance)character).sendMessage("You have entered a non-restricted area."); } } It works, but the restriction also applies when it goes to Town to Town .. here's how to limit access only to towns with ID 1-13!? thx
  5. Nice share thx ! but.. How to block a character out of a city instead of entering type: protected void onExit(L2Character character)
  6. Hi guys I have trying again.. But this dont work, whats a wrong for this Donator Char back to town if exit? protected void onExit(L2Character character) { // TODO: there should be no exit if there was possibly no enter if (_isPeaceZone) character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE, false); character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_TOWN, false); if (character instanceof L2PcInstance) { if (((L2PcInstance)character).isDonator() && character.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_TOWN)) { character.teleToLocation(MapRegionTable.TeleportWhereType.Town); return; } } } thx
  7. And in my case :-\ I need that donations don't go out of towns.. I found this patch and how it works ? sry 4 noob questions if (activeChar.donate() && --> Exit town < -- { activeChar.sendMessage("Donates can't leave towns."); activeChar. -- > back to town < -- } else if (activeChar.donate() { -- > if (activeChar.donate()) { activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(660099); < -- } thx 4all
  8. I know ! I wanted to say that: If the SQL query = AIO,(1) Core demand if onExit AIO,(1) immediately AIO teleports to town ! But I try thx 4all
  9. Excuse me for newbie question.. And I am very grateful for the help ..but to add this in L2TownZone using sql query? protected void onExit(L2Character character) { ......... :-[
  10. Hi guys :) How to blocking a specific character when it comes out of a town ? I have the table characters indicating that the char is AIO. How to use in core to make the character return to town, if character exit town ? Thx 4 all L2JServer rev. 4059
  11. lol my workspace is 4059. for Ichigo ^^ last rev is 4176 !
  12. :) Hello guys! I heard on a private server.. AIO characters are petrified when they leave the city! How can I add this diff in the L2JServer Epilogue last rev ? thx !
  13. Thx for share but.. dont work in L2JServer Gracia Epilogue.. last rev
  14. Great ! Its work now ty :) Audacity rlz !
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