I trying to add it to epilogue and i stuck on part
Index: /Server/GameServer/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/RequestEnchantItem.java
I have file RequestEnchantItem.java , but i don`t have values like:
private static final int[] ENCHANT_SCROLLS = { 729, 730, 947, 948, 951, 952, 955, 956, 959, 960 };
private static final int[] CRYSTAL_SCROLLS = { 731, 732, 949, 950, 953, 954, 957, 958, 961, 962 };
private static final int[] BLESSED_SCROLLS = { 6569, 6570, 6571, 6572, 6573, 6574, 6575, 6576, 6577, 6578 };
so where i need to add all values from this patch?