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Posts posted by sangenegru

  1. Hi, i've tried different free packs of l2j servers, i think all of them is based on frozen,  im a little bit confused with geodata and pathnodes loading. All have same "problem" i think. I enable geodata and pathnodes, with geodata option to load in RAM but when gameserver is started it shows me is using about 160mb more when geodata is enabled. Shouldn't take the amount of ram that represents geodata and pathnodes size, meaning above 1gb ? 

  2. On 9/24/2017 at 7:20 AM, big man bear said:

    idk you prob messed up somewhere

    follow guide and apply to your situation

    Hi, i wanna know if you can adapt Great wolf and Fenrir as pet and mountable to interlude l2j server and client, and if you can, how much will it cost?


  3. tag	class	mesh	cnt_tex1	tex1[0]	tex1[1]	tex1[2]	cnt_tex2	tex1	cnt_dtab1	dtab1[0]	dtab1[1]	npc_speed	unk0_cnt	unk0_tab	cnt_snd1	snd1	cnt_snd2	snd2[0]	snd2[1]	snd2[2]	snd2[3]	cnt_snd3	snd3[0]	snd3[1]	snd3[2]	rb_effect_on	rb_effect	rb_effect_fl	unk1_cnt	unk1_tab	effect	UNK_2	sound_rad	sound_vol	sound_rnd	quest_be	class_lim_?
    16030	LineageMonster4.Pet_Wolf_Ba	LineageMonsters4.Pet_Wolf_b_v02_m00	3	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_t00	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_t01	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_t02	0		2	4416	3	0.94444400	0		1		4	MonSound.Hit_normal_3	MonSound.Hit_Wet_1	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_normal_12	3	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_1	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_2	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_3	0			1	0	LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	1
    16037	LineageMonster4.Pet_Wolf_Ba	LineageMonsters4.Pet_Wolf_b_v02_m00	3	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_a_t00	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_a_t01	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_a_t02	0		2	4416	3	0.94444400	0		1		4	MonSound.Hit_normal_3	MonSound.Hit_Wet_1	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_normal_12	3	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_1	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_2	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_3	0			1	0	LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	1
    16041	LineageMonster4.Pet_Wolf_Ba	LineageMonsters4.Pet_Wolf_b_v02_m00	3	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_t00	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_t01	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_t02	0		2	4416	3	0.94444400	0		1		4	MonSound.Hit_normal_3	MonSound.Hit_Wet_1	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_normal_12	3	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_1	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_2	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_3	0			1	0	LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	1
    16042	LineageMonster4.Pet_Wolf_Ba	LineageMonsters4.Pet_Wolf_b_v02_m00	3	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_a_t00	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_a_t01	LineageMonstersTex4.Pet_Wolf.Pet_Wolf_rd_a_t02	0		2	4416	3	0.94444400	0		1		4	MonSound.Hit_normal_3	MonSound.Hit_Wet_1	MonSound.Hit_Bone_2	MonSound.Hit_normal_12	3	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_1	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_2	MonSound.pet_wolf_dmg_3	0			1	0	LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	1


  4. Hi, i wanna know which files has to be edited in client side if i wanna add great wolf/fenrir to interlude client. I tryed to add systextures and animation from hellbound then added fenrir  in system/npcname.dat and npcgroup.dat then i created in custom npc in navicat a NPC using Fenrir's template just to see if textures are loaded, but when i spawn custom NPC it appears as a huge rabbit. 

    Thank you in advance...

  5. Hi,im having a problem, i tryed various pack's of l2j teon, and it seems that on all i had same problem, if a mob goes aggro or aggro mob's are atacking me, when im using self heal or battle heal, all mobs becomes non-aggro . I didnt find any info about this bug, please if any of  you knows how to fix it, help me . Tks ( i dont wanna try other l2j pack, because it seems l2jteon is having less bugs than other pack's that i've tryed, but if im wrong feel free to point me other server pack )

    P.S.: sorry for my anoying english

  6. Mine :  i was 73 lvl sps and killed lvl 74-75 sorcerer on c4 in varka silenos outpost . That guy had +16 som acumen, i had som clean +1, he was donator, i used aura spam, i probably had better buffs and lots of nervs , it was mass pvp/pk over there, about 100 + players ( server was 7x Staris server, my nick BloodyQueen22 victim nick N3on :)) xaxaxa N3on pwned )

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