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About WitcherSabbath

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Server is after update. Have been added enchant skills with 3-rd prof, enchant kamael skills ( more than 10), working most epilogue locations and and much more. I invite, convince himself
  2. Avesome, testing it and work +1 dude.
  3. Nice man working for me. Thanx 4 share:)
  4. Awesome i tested yor files all working.
  5. Excellent work, we wait for animations.
  6. We are pleased to hear it. In the server will be played many big clans. Details of the forum.
  7. Thanx man, I invite all interested to our forum.
  8. nice npc but what will be when you press "+" maybe screen?
  9. L2Sabbath Epilogue, low/mid Server started 17 January 2010 r. at 9.00 am Lasts only cosmetic work on the beta test. Links: WWW: www.l2sabbath.com Forum: http://www.forum.l2sabbath.com L2 Sabbath Hardware: Dedicated server 100 Mbps Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 8 GB RAM DDR2 2 x 320 GB SATA II Administration: Witcher - Developer, Game Master Evil - Webmaster, Developer, Game Master Rates: RateXp = 6 RateSp = 6 RatePartyXp = 1,5 RatePartySp = 1,5 RateDropAdena = 6 RateConsumableCost = 1 RateDropItems = 6 RateRaidDropItems = 3 RateDropSpoil = 6 RateDropManor = 2 RateExtractFish = 2 RateQuestsReward = 3 RateDropQuest = 3 RatePetXP = 1.5 General info L2 Sabbath: Gracia Epilogue NPC informer L2 Sabbath Subclass without quests, Noblesse Quest necessary Dual Box allowed Multibox disallowed Global GK NPC top PK/PVP with rewards NPC Sheriff Sabath - information on punished and banned players Many events System vitality disabled No GM shop Practically no donations, donate only for hats and decorations New Mailing and Item Sending system (Epilogue) New skili enchancement system (Epilogue) New Epilogue quests like retail. Buff time: Songs, Dances, Cov, Magnus, Pow etc. – 5 min Any – 30 min Limit buffs 20+4 & 12 songs/Dance Enchancement: Enchant weapon/armor/jewerly: Max +15, safe +3 Enchancement chance 60% for enchant and blessed scrols, Crystal enchant 76% available as a reward from events Blessed and crystal enchantmay reset but do not burn items Other Features: Newbie Quest Tutorial Auto Item Pickup Hellbound Isle Gracia Final Areas AntiBot Protection/Detection System Working augmentation system Working Olympiad Seven Signs Weddings – allowed same sex marriages Working pet system Dark Cloud Manor Kamaloka Pailaka Epic's raidboss Fortress Working sieges S80 (Dynasty) IOP and Epilogue quests Instances in Crystal Caverns i Coral Garden Unique geodata Weekly updates/fixes Offline Trading system Offline Crafting system The system prevents putting the shop in the vicinity of NPCs and crossing 20 sec Spawn Protection Territory Wars Certifications Opportunity to acquire three subclas Auto account system The difference in the team is 15 lvls Talisman system Fishing system Recipes b/a grade 60% with drop/spoil and Dualsword Craft Stamp with spoil Event Glittering Medal Number of things we can leave the shop has been increased to 10 for each Inventory increased with 80 to 150 slots. Private warehouse increased with 100 to 150 slots, Clan warehouse with 200 to 250 slots. Champion mobs Champions frequency: 5% Lvl Champs: 20 - 70 HP Champions: x8 Regen Champions: x1 P. Atak Champions: x2 Atk. Speed Champions: x1.5 Champions passive Drop Champion: x8 Adena/Seal Stone with Champs: x4 Events: Many auto events Occasional events lead GM-s Be with us, and certainly a lot of fun awaits you. Quests: Fixed Quest: Grave Robber Member Rescue now fully works. Still missing spawnlist for monsters. Fixed Quest: Failure of Business now fully works. Still missing spawnlist for monsters. Fixed Quest: Won’t You Join Us? now fully works and updated Database to support it. Fixed Quest: Reed Field Maintenance fully working. Fixed Quest: For a Good Cause fully working. Fixed Quest: Take Advantage Of The Crisis fully working. Fixed Quest: Seven Sign Series Of Doubt fully works. Fixed Quest: Seven Sign Dying Message fully works. Fixed Quest: Seven Sign Contract Of Mammon fully works. Se you in Sabbath world soon.
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