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arts aka cohiba

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About arts aka cohiba

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  1. would be nice if u'll give some instructions;p
  2. well, i've found some editors, but all are for gracia part2. i've tryed to edit hellbound files with that, but it doesn't work. maybe some1 here have sth like icon.utx editor but for hellbound?? thx
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=111984.0 could you move this topic here and mabe do sth with that?
  4. it's not donator account, i've found e-mail with account activation link and activation code, but i dont think if it will be good proof.
  5. tell me how can i prove that it was mine account? only way is to change e-mail to basic on which acc was made (dunno if it's possible)...
  6. some time ago i was trying to login to my account (it was "xin"), but i couldn't do this, couse some1 changed pass and email. i send few pms to admin but he dont answer, so maybe when he will see that topic, he will do sth... f.e. reset email to basic (if it's possible) and reset password... or just delete that accout ppl u dont have to write here, but if u will see that "xin" is online plz flame him.
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