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Everything posted by Beastlike

  1. noez. he know who am i.if he logg tell him to check because i pmed him and nothing happens.maybe he was busy
  2. about proofs 1st ask darkslayer,magaki13,phoenix4,vazelos,godpower,mace and so on.+ the mail that the account created was amoral_xd@hotmail.com you cant when the facker change the e-mail address. 1st proof.
  3. i didnt that is what i am trying to say.
  4. can you read the fucking post ?IT WAS MY MOTHERFUCKING ACCOUNT CAN Y GET IT?
  5. i just want this bastard get banned FFS.i pmed maxtor/noble/grisom none of em did anything.
  6. hai http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=116221.15 fucker.
  7. what the -beep-?you are so -beep-ing retarted dude.every1 knows who i am.and who i used to be.even grisom(i did request ban but yeah u wont get it because you are asslicker or w/e).btw you failed hard with your lolcountry flag. you are speaking RO and the flag is GR.YA YA YOU ARE GR FANBOY.EVEN MY OLD MAIL WAS CONTAIN THE AMORAL.BUT -beep- IT.JUST DIE IN HELL. nice gr skillz bastard. SEARCH YOUR LAST MOTHERFUCKING POST!YEAH SOMEHOW A FAIL RO SPEAK GREEK!DIE
  8. nece england. BTW HAI! iphone ownz. your mind stucked
  9. :) fail moar gfn indeed :( gn GN MENGZ FOR 2ND TIME
  10. ohhhh psolan.1000/10 gud share +1 stiki
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i18lQtWRoJ0&feature=fvw
  12. for me iz funny. call w/e you want but is funny.
  13. ALWAYS ON THE TOP YEAH BABY that's funny xD
  14. omagad i never expect such a reaction from ya uncle chandy. ohhh soultan
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