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Everything posted by Sponz

  1. re man omws den to vriskoun oloi gt prepei na 3ereis to name tou..sas parakalw an einai min tou kanete ban tou paidiou
  2. kalo kalo ala mporeis na valeis opion ari8mo apostolea 8eleis esu??
  3. nai mporeis na bazeis ton apostolea kai ton paralipti kai to stelneis opou 8es :P
  4. ok pisteuw twra pws to e3igisa pio analitika
  5. enoeite pws to exete poloi apo esas... http://www.4shared.com/file/190356769/9d0704dd/messenger_v33.html bulk sms me auto to program mporeite na steilete 5 dwrea sms me ka8e account pou 8a dimiourgisete :P gia na kanete create new account akolou8iste auto to link : http://www.bulk-sms.gr/Control_panel/control_panel.asp?disp_function=new_user
  6. that trick has been fixed at most server but i think it is still working in some java servers you have to go to gludio town GO to the pet manager and press "rent a pet" if the window open then you can rent a pet as a strider even and wyvern!! but if the window doesnt appears that means that admin has fixed that.!! i know guys it is very old but you dont lose anything if you try it tested on l2infinityheroes {fixed now} l2cyber {fixed now} l2java
  7. kalo einai ala opws oloi 3eroume uparxoun poloi tropoi na mpoume me kastra :P
  8. hmm..den to exw 3anaakousei auto 8a to dokimasw omws thx...
  9. to 3erw oti pianei mono se l2j kai pianei ligo diskola :P anyway pou to 8imi8ikate auto to post auto itan to prwto m xexe :P
  10. fakoykas credits go to you because you really helped me to think this trick :P
  11. yes if he has gm watcher he can see everything but you can try :P
  12. ok i am going to reduce the posts to 50 because i think 100 is a lot so you are lucky :P
  13. xaxa poli kalo bravo s omg epsaxna kairo na vrw enan tropo ala oxi auto den m eixe perasei kan apo to mualo ty re man... :P
  14. ftaiei oti o server pou paizeis exei protection den sto lew etsi apla exw pai3ei se auton ton server kai o admin einai filos m :P
  15. helo guys :) today i will show you how to have a gm char without admin know it!! :P {IF YOU ARE GM IN A SERVER OFC...} well it is very easy!!want to have ++ without gm catch you??xaxa very easy ;) ok take anything you want and enchant it.. now because gm can see your ++ items i will show you a way to avoid that!!! first you have to create a bot ok.. PUT your ++ items in the skills bar and trade the bot..put the ++ items on the trade windows but dont press ok yet wear your ++ items and then press ok. you will see that your items are gone but your stats are the same!!!SO if gm check you he is going to finD nothing!!! ;) Now I will show you how to stuck skills without gm knows it ;) if you didnt understood something you can ask me whateever you want.. have a nice day!! ;D ok add a toggle skill on your char for example aegis stance,arcana power,arcana agillity,soul guard,guard stance!!ok then activate the skill and remove it with your gm without deactivate the skill with your char!!... !!You will see that the skill is going to stuck after the rr the skill will gone but you can try it after rr !!! that works on interlude 100% Unfortunatelly i cant help you with the other skills :'( credits for the first trick goes to ---->fakoykas... credits for the second trick goes to me and IiIPaNtS0IiI sry for my english again but i am trying do the best for you!! ;) if you did not understood something you can ask me whatever you want... have a nice day!!
  16. kali prospa8eia man ala to 99% twn server to exoun fixarei kai trws auto ban i DC :P
  17. den to prose3a twra 8a to ala3w xD....
  18. auto to topic einai gia osous einai gm se kapion server kai 8eloun na ftia3oun enan gm char xwris na tous parei xampari o admin,dev ktl.. 8elete na exete Items ++ xwris na to dei o admin??paneukolo!!!pernete oti 8elete ta kanete ++ kai edw 8a efarmosete to trick gia tous overpowered chars tou fakoykahttp://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33507.0 edw einai to link gia na deite pws 8a to kanete!!! twra an 8elete na exete kapio skill xwris na to blepei o admin den mporw na sas boi8isw 100% ala kati 8a kanoume.. :P dinoume ena skill ston char mas px.. SH {SINISTW LVL 1,2}Ok afou to energopoioume to kanoume remove me ton gm kai 8a deite pws exei stuckarei gia ta kala :P meta to rr feugei ala to 3anakanete...Auto douleuei kai me ala skills opws arcana power,shield slam,guard stance,arcana agility kai genika ola ta toggle skills!!! gia na dwsete skills grapste add_skill <--- gia osous einai newbie ofc... :P Super Haste ID:7029 auta kai gia smr... :) 50% CREDITS GO TO fakoykas :P
  19. xexe thanks man very usefull and nC share.... :P
  20. yes i was using this on l2infinityheroes..I was paladin with bow so it was usefull enough to make pvp! :P
  21. 1)loipon guys na sas apantisw.. osoi exoun no-ip mporeite na pe3ete ala epeidi to IP den einai sta8ero 8a prepei na ma8ete to no-ip 2)oso oti to port einai 7776 merikes fores nai auto einai ali8eia an einai etsi tote den mporoume na kanoume tpt...
  22. nai se auto exeis dikio ala px. an exeis mpei se polous servers me polla customs kai etsi exeis idi ta textures an omws o server exei dika tou custom tote prepei na katebaseis kai to patch.. :P
  23. hi guys uparxei enas tropos na mpeite se opion server 8elete gnwrizontas mono to site tou!!! pate enar3h,run,cmd kai otan sas bgei to mauro pinakaki grapste ping www.******.com px. 8a sas bgei i IP tou server!! ok twra pou 3erete tin IP prepei na tin perasete sto l2.ini pws 8a ginei auto?? aplo.. katevazoume ena l2 file edit apo edw kai meta anoigoume to l2.ini mas kai ekei pou exei tin palia IP sto host tin antika8istoume me tou server pou 8eloume na mpoume :P ----->http://www.4shared.com/file/32779722/43b022b6/L2_FileEdit.html?s=1 auto itan olo.... :P
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