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Posts posted by ~SilveR~

  1. Εργασια:


    Να γραψετε τη επαγκελμα θα ακολουθησετε , τι εργαλια και μηχανηματα θα χρειαστουν και τι πιθανους κινδυνους ;


    πειτε καμια ιδεα , για πιο επαγκελμα να γραψω ?

  2. Δεν μπορουν να μπουν ατομα απο αλλα pc στον server.

    Μονο εγω μπορω να συνδεθω οταν βαζω το local ip.


    Οποιος μπορει ας βοηθησει λιγο.



    ακολουθα αυτο το guide  ! και θα βρεις την ακρη ;)



  3. This has nothing to do with java. Server is outputing everything to stdout.log anyway.

    That command that I wrote will use internal linux tool to monitor that file and display its content on the screen. I'm quite sure that a tool that is implemented inside linux core is more stable and less lagy, then some external app.

    this have not do with java?  are you sure?

    check the l2j source plz

  4. Another way of moitoring your server is:

    What ever server would output to the screen it also outpoots it into the file gameserver/log/stdout.log and login/log/stdout.log. So what you need to do is go to your log folder and type:

    tail -f stdout.log 

    This will read the file stdout.log and display its contents on the screen every time the server outputs anything to it.

    Result similar, but no need to install anything.

    i dont recomment it  ... server  will be more laggy

    i recomment to use java as less  you can ;) . i mean  dont let  java to do all things .. here are more things  like (xml etc )

  5. ASk your other gm, mass critical errors/xp bug/pt bug/ invisible char and so on. this is just a few examples



    + i can prove they work .


    Think twice . you should change your pack to freya, this one is full of bugs.

    Maybe you didnt find no bug, but i found a lot.

    ok thanks

    i Will make it Freya and no bugs , right now we are working on it.

  6. Nah, if i log in Gracia Final, im gona do a totall mess with my hacks:X.

    Let us know when gona be Freya

    when you log in and you tested your hacks nothing works..only the stupid "bug" with showing that you have  +65535 item  and you dont ... and that we will fix it ofc :)

    about when the server be freya,  we will not change our pack, we will just aply premium change sets :)

  7. No very big deal for people but for me yes.


    -Fix Gm shop prices More Economy balance.

    -Raid Tickets can be tradable.

    -Rare Coin changed to Special Coin Can be dropped by raid bosses or echange a vote coin to 40 Special Coin (Check out Special Shop)

    -Cleaned dababase

    -MOS fixed it's the hard farming zone now.

    -Raid Bosses re-spawn is now 3 Hours.

    -Boosted enchant rate by 5%

    -Some skills fix.

    -Some HTML bug's fixed.

    -Some drops bugs fixed.

    -Recommend system work fine now.

    -Friend list system work fine too.

    -Subclasses are lvl 85 now.

    -Certificate Skills are disabled cause of bugs and unbalance.


    And lot of small things...


    NEW Forum will be up tomorrow.

    Site web update soon.

    GM application will be posted on the new forum.

    contact email : contact@l2newlight.com

    info email : info@l2newlight.com


    No donation are accepted for now.

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