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About Tyron

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Thundercore has been updating the topic. If there is anything more that you'd like to know feel free to reply.
  2. we got an NPC-Buffer for the people since our community isn't that big. I'd like to see more people on it soon so we make the server a real "have to play" server. idea's like quests that do give you some good and pvp that is more balanced. we even will make player vs environment to give people more to do. Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll see you ingame.
  3. hey have you people already made new skill icons?? cause im trying to make an external file with those in it (and YES external files do work seen more doing this.) cause i got a problem when i want to insert 1 of my pics in it, at the L2toolo i cant insert it with "4B" maybe thats the problem :/ can anyone help me ? (Btw skill icons located in the Icon.utx)
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