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Everything posted by nor1k@hotmail.com

  1. hello i want sell my char in l2snadora coz i leave lineage! So lets give you some info about my char, APELLA LIGHT FULL +18,other full +16 HERO TILL 1/8/2012 Draconig bow +17 (with passive Might lv10) Angel Slayer +16 (with active Duel Might lv10) Angel Slayer +16(with passive Shield lv10) Angel Slayer (with passive Might lv10) Angel Slayer (with passive Duel Might lv10) Draconig Bow +16 (with active Recall Party) Arcana Mace (with active Ritual lv10 regenerates 473 cp) Draconig Bow (with active Man Gain lv10) Demon Splinter +16 (with Chance Shieldlv10, chances in pvp are 95%) Arcana Mace (with Active Focus lv10) Arcana Mace (with Active Medusa lv10) Arcana Mace (with Passive Might lv10) Dragon Hunter Axe (with Acttive Magic Barrier lv10) Dragon Hunter Axe (with Chance Silence lv10) Arcana Mace (with Active Agility lv10) Arcana Mace (with Active Empower lv10) Arcana Mace (with active Silence lv10) Demon Splinter (with Passive Guidance lv10) Arcana Mace +16 (with active shield lv10) Dragon Hunter Axe +16 (with active Battle Roar lv10) Mage, Fighter tatto. 4,323 Life Stones 10% 1,827 Life Stones 5% 5,400 Gold Bars 380+ BOG Sandora Heart Stones ?? Apiga ?? Torch ?? (all this may be increases till i sell char) Clan lvl10 full clan skills Clan hall in gludin Castle owner (cant say the castle coz can i banned) PVP Count 1,281 PK Count 30 BASE CLASS Spectral Master Sub Classes [Adventuer] [saggitarius] [Cardinal] (you can change password in game) PRICE: 200 EURO Transfer via bank, PayPal, Western Union Love You All Peace!
  2. Good Luck Mwri arostiaaaaaaa (danis) kai kane wipe kalitera
  3. doulepse to 2012 gamato post mpravo
  4. Fiaxte To Link re pedes!! Broken Link Update Please!
  5. 1on) o D3athL3genD Den ine gidi 3erei 100 fores pio polla apo esas 2on) to exw dokimasi pleon se panpolous server kai pandou pianei... gia tn death legend den tha milate...
  6. o Char Ine Main Necro Full +16-18. Apo tous kalliterous Archers Ston Server. Ta Actives/Passives Einai Active: Empower lv10 Active/Passive: Agility (Ke Passive Se Bow) lv10 Active: Duel Might lv10 Active: Heal lv10 (Se bow) Passive: M.Barrier lv10 (Se am) Active: Might lv10 Active: Cheer lv10 (Incresease Max Cp) Active: Focus lv10 Active: Restores your CP (Se am) Active: Heal Empower lv10 (Gia Osous Den 3eroun To Skill Xriasimevi na kaneis parapanw Heal) Active: Blessed Body lv10 Active: Wild Magic lv10 Active: Prayer lv10 Acitve: Mana Gaint lv10 Active/Passive: Shield (ke Passive Se Bow) lv10 Active: Celestial Shield lv10 Active: Aura Flare lv10 (Se am) Ta Agu Sto Sinolo Einai 15 ke Stuckaroun kanonika olla. NEW Skills! Now Might Passive active and Shield Passive Active.! B.Roar ! so for saggi its 11+2 passives !! Price: 90 euro
  7. pedes an katexete kapio trick -bug oti dipote gia fast agu! psaxnw k dn mporw na vrw :/ euxaristw
  8. to dokimasa se kenourio server Interlude l2sandora ! molis 6 meres ine On alla douleve kai se pio palia servers opos Liberators Invade ktlp!! nai exei full inv kai otan dosi reward 8a pesi katw sta podia s ! ;)
  9. Geia sas pedes ime new sto forum vrika ena 'trick' edelos tuxea ... Loipon to Bug Ine Gia Servers p dinoun vote reward p den ginete na ginoun trade Loipon ti kanoume..! Gemizoume to Inventory PX o xoros ine 250 emis vazoume 251 afto mpori na gini skotonodas mobs i ama doci allou idous Reward o adm Loipon ! auto p 8a ginete ine to reward tou char sas na pefti katw sta podia tou.. Den 8a mpeni PX sta Q ! Meta pate me tn Main Ke ta mazevete :D an exei gini post soz k delete!
  10. ston server mou pou dn poulaei tetia sto GM Shop ? mporw na ta vrw kai allou?
  11. varethika sinexia na vlepw to ilithio afto post p kanoun oloi edw mesa 1on) Stn Oly Dn Mporis Na Kaneis PT 2on) Den Ine Mono Ena To 'Stadio' iparxoun k alla stadium katw apo ta grafika opote an doulepsi se sapio server me 5 atoma kalos..! auto!
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