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Everything posted by sineenard

  1. Thank, Commodus again You say "Open Database", so i open this link AION-Emulation Installation to connect database via Navicat and success connect database upper pictures that i show IS your explain but it's look like table for making server, right? and it is first step that i take ID,MASK,PWD a first server to everyone can login in login screen? and this picture below is table for keep id and pwd for player, right? if i want to make a ADMIN character, how do it? Thanks
  2. Thanks, Commodus I doing all steps and open "gameserver.properties" files and then replace ip "" such as # Address of login server gameserver.network.login.address=localhost:9014 to # Address of login server gameserver.network.login.address=localhost: right? if it correct, i copy launch.bat (from Launch.rar) to AION game folder and run it after goto login screen appear.. What ID and PWD that use? or how to set or add id in database? please teach me, thanks
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