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About SikiynAlzuhr

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  1. ta atoma einai eleos enw epitrepete to bot na baloun anti-bot gia oog ??? eleos pws 8a bot me ig twra?? pff
  2. i am not pro and i don't know so good modi i just share it for other pll who need it as you can see i write it in top of my topic it;s my first share..
  3. Dread armor in old l2pride is like tallum heavy , light , robe but if you need i will upload some photos with armor's
  4. I creat them for ct2.3 all day working on them i have add and npc with items and i dont share only the bow.
  5. Hi all this is my first share here and i creat some monster weapon , Dread Armor , Titanium Armor like l2 pride I make an album but i dont have upload all items in album http://img252.imageshack.us/g/shot00023q.png/ Btw Dread Armor is like Tallum and Titanium like Apella http://www.4shared.com/file/170815870/6ee421da/Custom_Weapon__Armor_From_Deat.html I need to tell thank to all of you in client mod why with your topic's i creat this Merry X-mas
  6. San Andreas 4tw more modes ,hacks ,mission
  7. se kanw ban gt den mou aresei to xrwma sto name sou
  8. Welcome to Maxcheaters family :P
  9. from video is very cool i trie to find download link..
  10. very nice game i start download it now.........
  11. I need Assassin Creed II fast i can't waiting them to sell it for pc...in one forum i read they trie to make better crafic for pc....
  12. Hello Maxcheaters have a great x-mas and happy holidays
  13. Gordon is knight with his horse weapon and armor but he need more m def :P
  14. ~LunatiC exeis apolito dikio exei tixei na mpw se kapoious server opou merikoi zhtane apo tous gm lvl up kai tous legan kai ti commant na grapsoun dld eleos den ginese mono gm epidi 3ereis kapoia commant ... exw deis gm opou 3erei parapola commant kai den h3ere se ti xrisimebei to ketra kai to varka alliance epidi epaize mono pvp server i dev eprepe na epsa3e poli gia na ton brei kai na ton kanei gm...
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