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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. hm i tried to change the color of the text my i didnt like the out come :S i am doomed at texts.
  2. what the HELL happened today? everyone is saying good comments..... :o ( not that i don't like that ^^) and yeah it is visible to me.....
  3. k maybe i wil make another CT with them xD
  4. sas eyxaristo olou sas. kai oxi c+p dn einai an den me pisteyete deite k to guide m sxetika m ton SR http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=135488.0
  5. btw which one of the five you like better?
  6. i rly like it BUT! shouldn't it have the dimensions of a normal sig?
  7. prolly he wants to give the render through msn.
  8. he has done more&better. [gr] diakrinw ena pneyma gennaiodorias smr? :D[/gr]
  9. thnx for your rate! ( i am still working on it.)
  10. I have followed your advices ( work with 1 render & more simple text &play with PS) So here's the outcome. COMMENTS SUCH AS "KKTHNXBB" , "sux" without explaining, are going to be exterminated.( FUUUUUURY) PS: thats the last sig with that style. I have downloaded Blane's tut.Tomorrow i start with the other style.
  11. name : Kefka from: Final Fantasy 6 Main Antagonist. rate 8/10 i dont like all the white but it seems to be in harmony with everything.
  12. [gr]kali einai ligo skotini bebaia alla mono k mono epidi exei render kamael m aresei.[/gr]
  13. you should open a dictionary and search for the word "discussion".
  14. but guyz you still havent asnwered my question. which one of the four is better ?
  15. oh.. ok i thought they were favorable....btwyou are the 1st who makes gentle comments without kkthnxbb. Thank YOU!
  16. thank youi wil not add a 2nd render..... but i am thininking of adding the SAME render as a shade......what do you think ( bigger size and less opacity)
  17. agree because you like some of them it doesnt mean that everyone should like them.
  18. So guyz in order to sum up...don't you see ANY improvement? Like it sux more than the other ones? Tell me.
  19. Thanks for your comments. i will consider them the next time. btw i am a newbiw as we here in greece say /gr den 3r p m pane ta 4 /gr
  20. from when????? ok... the next one i will create will have a silver monotone text.
  21. 1. i am going to watch , did i meantioned anywhere that i am da best? no? 2.well other ppll think that i HAVE to use big fonts and texts. 3. well its not THAT big. 4.? yes.....since its my forth signature i used colored text :S would you prefer a monotone one? i am so sorry master, unfortunately i am not as good and super as you are. Btw you need to read some times what the FAK i say :) its from an anime :) how do except me to convert the quality to something extraordinary since its my forth sig?
  22. I Like it :D good job ! I like especially the 2nd one.
  23. Are you Born being idiot , or you made private lessons? POST COUNT DOESNT MATTER HERE!
  24. In order to improve more? Just because you&pwnz0r and other say that "it sux" what am i supposed to do? "Delete Photoshop"???????????????? Maybe "some" parts suck but not the whole thing!
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