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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. i didnt want them so........:) now i am gonna help FuMa
  2. Har Har Har IMA EVIL >:D >:D >:D >:D
  3. Going to eat Barbeque Chicken with Barbeque sauce. ( disgusting.)
  4. pc ftw. ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  5. I Hope he will meet mora >:D :D
  6. btw where is chucky1234567890? sleeping?
  7. i dunno why but the only G.mod i like is Webmonster( ya i know he is any longer) . h8 That wolf ( Coyote >.<) and Grisom cause he is full of irony.
  8. How many People can change the poll in someone other's topic ? i think only moderators. SETEKH DID IT!
  9. Pff please some g.mod gives a final answer and lock this topic.
  10. Because Erol maybe is very active Total Time Spent Online: 43 days, 23 hours and 6 minutes. has shared many working exploits. Btw why does everything seems unfair to you ppl? you were crying even because i donated for VIP...
  11. yes and you dont need to clean anything! we were just having a conversation.
  12. Ναί αλλά είναι το μόνο μάθημα που έχω γράψει κάτω απο 17 διότι η καθηγήτρια μας , μας πιάνει την πάρλα για τουσ ηούλιγκαν , τον Καρατζαφέρη κ αυτά και μας λέει " Ε διαβάστε και αυτό."
  13. Όχιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιι. έπεσα στο 13 τώρα. Τ_Τ
  14. Σήμερα γράφαμε Γεωγραφία-Γεωλογία και μας ζήταγε τα 5 μεγαλύτερα νησιά της μεσογείου. εγώ έγραψα 1.Σικελία 2.Κρήτη 3.Κύπρος 4.Κεφαλοννία και 5. Μύκονος. χα0αχ0αχ0αχα0
  15. Ενοώ να χρησιμοποιείς ελλήνικη γραμματοσείρα στο συγκικριμένο Topic.
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