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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. w00t? what business? ( do you who i am or do i need to quote again?)
  2. LoLz Yesterday i Went to Spoiled ( its a club not a mob spoiled by a dwarf :P)and they played this 10 times.
  3. 21ΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΟΜΟΡΦΙΑΣ in english the 21st beauty contest by ant1...................:@
  4. No true blood today but hot chicks. DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT's raule's fault.
  5. GoodNight People! Greys ANatomy + True blood = QQ?
  6. what + rates are these * DEAD* although your idea seems attractive i would prefer a balanced 4/16 80% rate ( if he doesnt want donates) but its his srv which means he will choose.
  7. i have some but they will take 3~ hours with 4 mbps.
  8. 1. i think graphics are better in epi....soz if i am mistaken.2.i would advise you to make an epi srv but without barrier and certi in general.
  9. agree. Also this pack you chose for IL was full of bugs , class unbalance imo and others.
  10. liar!!!! As i told you they are from animes :S
  11. y why do you say that ? you want to break my heart T_T ? explain yourself.
  12. which one? they are from animes so its kinda difficult to look like original ppl.
  13. yeah but no wine? its like you ask Chucky to live without tits.
  14. i cant stand it anymore! i will try to buy an ice cream with a coat next time from the embarassment.
  15. god... do i need to explain all this stuff about "gay" again :/ ?
  16. Ok then. I am gonna spam alone.
  17. please for god's shake spam. i am getting crazy. Look what i have even wrote to Raule :S
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