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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. gr is not allowed here. and since you are posting a greek topic it means that you post in greek.
  2. i have several.........;D lucky games have closed many houses scammer >:(
  3. *i gotta learm l2java server........*
  4. w00t ? where did you learn albanian? Online lessons? i Speak Ελληνικά , english, Deutsch, Italiano, and soon Japanese ^^
  5. she dances like : shaking boobs , ass, and her whole body so i guess Club Dancing should do ^^
  6. No Party Animal is somoene who "Ressurects" the party. For example he is the one with always a beer in his hand and the one that dances w/e happens.
  7. can you do it while you dance with the sexy lady named eleni? no :(
  8. thats because you are a party animal. :D Idea! i will consume 3~ bacardis from my brothers secret ( yeah right...) fridge !
  9. joke? :S dont get me wrong i LOVE dancin but i am extremely shy. i wont dance unless a girl asks me too.
  10. i know but guess what. No alchohol :S BORING! I am gonna dance with my gf and because at the last party she was rubbing herself in me...y know. Btw which do ou think i should watch ? Club dance?
  11. I have a party at 1 hour and i dunno how to dance D: mercy !
  12. yeah but this one drives me crazy !
  13. huh...i am sooo tired..... Shillien Saint is the most difficult class for guide that can EVER exist...........now i am left with skills and pvp/oly tactics ( Rofl?)
  14. GREECE SCORED!! !!! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !
  15. /die !!!!!!! i am the only one from here who doesnt like football ( seeing football not playing)
  17. Why do i think that this year is the worst year for greece? >.<
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