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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. again unbanned? xD btw one piece is awesome.......Zoro ftw.
  2. Kalo guide.Polli kalos afou ebales k ta l2walker settings. alla exw na parathrhsw pos se ola sou ta guide exeis balei kati xioumoristiko. (ayto einai kalo , gt o anagnwsths dn xanei to endiaferon tou)
  3. beware cause he is old and wont be able to hold his "personal needs". :S
  4. he is going to beat me up .here look
  5. yeah but then Mr.Tsipras is gonna come and jail me in.
  6. h plaka einai pos molis telioneis erxete enas magas k sto xalaei -.-'
  7. I know this one looks fancy >:D wOot? i know , i once had a French Poodle ( Toy Poodle) . The thing is that i dont get any attention but my dog. -.-'
  8. Lolz i need to buy a pet too.
  9. y' know what is hell funny? that every time i try to help somoene out , i got messed up >.<
  10. We believe you ONLY if we want to.
  11. I am only the super clever spy. Somoene else should pm him.
  12. Heh right got you man.I am so clever :3 :3 so what should i do? pm Grisom?
  13. Heh right got you man.I am so clever :3 :3
  14. you are just inside my head, aren't you?
  15. D: that bad? man...............
  16. yeah..i guess i will change it to Roxas.
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