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About SigmaCub

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  1. hi guys , i'm using windows 2008 and l2off interlude is there a way to run it dynamic ip or is a must to have it static . and if there away any one care to shine some light so i can try it , thanks
  2. i'm looking to buy riven skin championship code un used so i can use in LAN server , pm here with all the deals like price and time to have it done . only serious people please dont waste your time or my , thank you
  3. Guys ignore anything posted as for sale by these account .. some one got a hold of it , i have changed the password .
  4. Sorry for the mix up guys .. some one got a hold of my account and did these .. i have changed my passwords .. as i explain to our friend ..
  5. Well if other ppl know to look they will see
  6. fake files ...
  7. You welcome .
  8. is not a price for all , you decide what you looking for and i will tell you price for each .
  9. of antibot system?
  10. what you looking for ?
  11. Ok here is a list : - L2j and L2OFF antibot system - Antidoos and sql injection protection - L2OFF Dev Services - Vote Bot System for gamesites200 [ I sell votes too ] add my msn for more detalies lancesabol@hotmail.com -New Antibot SYstem working with l2off and L2Java * Benefits that comes in System Protect * Protection against any program implemented. exe (configurable) * Protection account search by names, folders, sites with their open system (configurable) * Ip hidden system is performed by dll in l2, always ini will be * System unique to your server, L2, Custom exe, option to turn on and off whenever you want (to turn off the system does not open)
  12. yes i need to recive 3 usd
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