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About horato

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  1. 1) Thats why Iam asking "how this guy managed to use skill viewer ingame", don't you think? 2) He does not have admin rights, pause the video at 0:00 and you will see. Moreover alt+g does not have this skill viewer in it (if any). 3) lol? it looks more like offi server, have you even played the video? Even if its not, you cant tell for sure, there is no sign of java server. 4) and I think you are retarded blind idiot but Iam keeping it for myself :) to LightFusion: i lost myself in 2nd part of your comment :D
  2. ? First of all alt+g works only when you have GM rights, 2nd there is only skill search where you can find skill IDs and not see skill animation, 3rd the thing he is using is that "sv" from developer console or whatever is it, 4th dont call me kid and finally 5th go facewall yourself before you post something so brainless like this.
  3. Its not working, almost when game loads up I get this: unrecoverable error - bombing out History: UWindowsViewport::OpenWindow <- UGameEngine::OpenInitialViewport <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine //edit: I've found another system (but GOD not tauti) which was working. Now I wonder how http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTNZaLXdHOI# this guy managed to use skill viewer ingame?
  4. Hi, is here anyone able to get builder command (///) and/or developer console working on Tauti? Something like running the game with parameter -log or -cheats does not work anymore. I've already tried to tweet fyyre but without success. Thanks
  5. Interresting, some of those errors were caused by not-properly initialized variables like List without parameter but still there were some double declaration, variables declared at end of try/catch block, switches like this: switch(1.$SwitchMap$inproject$nuc$handler$admincommands$impl$AdminAnnouncements$Commands[command.ordinal()]) and so. There is not much settings to spoil :)
  6. but they still exists... whats the point of complaining here?
  7. thanks, and was it giving you too too many errors?
  8. Oh thanks for reporting and thank god that this forum does not support stealed server releases and stealed-decompiled-edited-compiled releases :D
  9. 1) My friend bought 1 release from them and still it was compiled. They want extra money for giving you source (at least what he said) so there is no problem in licence. 2) As I said i've already decompiled it with the free decompiler, fixed errors and it is working but it took me 2 days to fix it. By writing here you have told me that there is some decompiler that can proccess it without errors so I will try search even more - thanks - but you can simplify me the search and just tell me the name :)
  10. Iam not going to steal it. I just want to see how they made some things and moreover its complete nonsense to create server without access to source - you cant make edits, fixes and etc.
  11. Ofc you can decompile whole source, I've already did it and it fully works but this decompiler Iam currently using has few misinterpretations in switches, enums, double-declaring variables from time to time and so. But it is fixable.
  12. Hi, Can anyone advise me really good decompiler? Since there are some leaked initiative project's files i'd like to see source of it. I've already tried this decompiler but result was about 5000 errors in project. I've managed to fix them manually, but I won't do this for every leak since it is like 2 days of work ^^. Thanks
  13. The problem is that I dont know how to read those opcodes. they are always different from those in l2j...
  14. oh and I would be gratefull if you could tell me how to read packet IDs from engine... I've extracted whole engine to txt but I cant understand it... Sometimes it matches but sometimes it dont... Iam really mad from it ^^
  15. Oh, I got it. This what I found was really the packet but it was missing the part before loop. This is only charName,charID,loginName,... but before this I had to add what I found by examining packet from official server: writeC(0x01); writeD(0x00); Thx again for your help ;) btw. is it possible that ncsoft changed something and you can see push whatever and you will never see the packet id?
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