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About Draken2007

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  1. I would play it. I miss the old L2. :(
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here it goes. I've been looking for guides how to to make my Lineage 2 Private server. I saw L2J and L2OFF and seriously, they are all or almost all interlude. And most of them don't really work.(Atleast not with me). I wanted to make a Gracia Epilogue private server. I can't find nothing about it. I found a topic i tought it had some files by a guy called DeathBringer or something and there was nothing there. I would appreciate allot if someone could give me a working guide for Garcia Epilogue with the files. If not possible, then is it possible for there to exist a int 100% working guide? Cheers.
  3. Hello guys. I've been here for the last 2 days trying to make my own server following this guide on youtube: wich is the only one that really works. But there is something wrong. I don't think our srever is global. Because, my friend setup the server and it works, he can join become admin etc. But nobody can join he's srver.(Including me). We tried chaging the l2.ini but still no diference made. What can we try? Or maybe this guide is not soo good? We need help. I posted this topic here because i think this is a L2J guide, atleast we had to use java. If not, please redirect this topic to the right place.
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