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About LasTravel

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  1. This means that your account is already activated :)
  2. Ladies and gentleman, We are very glad and proud to present a new server! Its name? L2Tarziph! L2Tarziph will be an Ertheia Server oriented to the PvP x1000 with a minimal farm. The server opening will be this Friday 27 (27-03-2015) at (5:00 PM CET), we will allow the client download at Monday 23 (23-03-2015). Our goal is create a new and huge community from the beginning to offer a high quality Lineage 2 servers. Tarziph will be the main server on the community, we will run it with the Ertheia Update and it will be updated to Infinite Odyssey as fast as Lineage 2 West servers release it. Feel free to help us advertising the server and the opening, here you can see all the Tarziph features, we will update it with more information during the pre-opening week. We will be glad to see any suggestions or ideas at the Suggestions section. See you in the grand opening!
  3. Bullshit from banned clan, hahhaha!
  4. Because you can get full items in less than 30 mins. I'm sure you don't tested the server ;)
  5. 150-+, we are just growing. Little video:
  6. Visit us: http://www.l2spezion.eu/ Staff: LasTravel: Server Owner, Main Developer (talks: English, Spanish) Credentials: Old server owner from L2LasTravel, main developer from L2Storm and developer from L2TnS & L2Tenkai, l2jserver.com user. Cerberus: Server & Security administrator, Official Server Tester, Developer helper (talks: English, Portuguese) Credentials: Server owner from L2Storm, l2jserver.com user. =GM=Police: His name tells all about he, he control all your actions ingame. (talks: he don't talk any language) Credentials: He dont have because he is a robot :=D. ATENTION: Spezion Staff DON'T play in the server, this means that the staff DON'T have more characters than the GM's General Features: Olys each week Full Gatekeeper Full GMShop cheap prices Npc buffer (Scheme, player & pet) All Grand Boss are lvl 85 without raid curse Increased weight No custom items Spawn Protection Full working GeoData (Private) Offline Trade System 13 New Custom Clan Halls Siegeble CH's implemented Territory Wars working Auto Learn Skills (Normal Skills & Divine Inspiration) Sub Class Without Quest (max subclass lvl 85) Class Change Without Quest No certification quest needed 28 Buffs + 16 Dances/Songs 2H Buffs Grand Boss quest items in shop In game rankings for all events Alt+Click removes a buff/song/dance FREE items until S (Dynasty) MP potions Max attribute lvl 4 Items +16(max) cannot be dropped Spawn protection GrandBoss Working: Freya(Normal/Extreme), Antharas, Valakas... Rates: x1000 XP x1000 SP x4000 Adena x1 Drop Epic Jewels x1 x1 Spoil x2 KE Enchant: Element 100% +3 Safe +16 Max 85% Echant rate (Normal enchant) 100% Enchant rate (Blessed enchant) Events: Automated events every 30 minutes You can get you own buff config in events Team vs Team (TvT) Team vs Team Vip (TvTV) Last Hero (LH) Kill The Base (KTB) Capture The Flag (CTF) Find The Flag Event (FTF) DeathMach (DM) HitMan Hide and Seek Siege War NEW! Transformation War NEW! Uber Zone Event NEW Server commands: .online .status .specialfarm .time .join .castle .nextevent .noexp .blocktrade .refusebuff .info .wzinfo .open (SiegeWar Event) .mammon Server Hardware (Dedicated Server) CPU: Intel I5 4x 2.66+ GHz RAM: 16 GB DRR3 HD: 2TB 15K RPM NET: 1000Mbit Upload/Download International Connection SO: CentOS 5.6 x64 Location: Europe Backup system PS: Have fun :)
  7. Thanks, when your start one server this opinions are really good apreciate.
  8. LasTravel is a server designed for players who are tired of the injustices that take the servers with players for nonsense, bans unfair, full of characters who appear overnight, Gm's corrupt irresponsible or who spend all, LasTravel offers Legal websites and their players, with a staff experienced adult with very clear ideas, if you're tired of seeing the same thing, LasTravel is your server. General info - Dedicated server Quad Core Q6600 4x 2.40 GHz, 4BG RAM DDR3 100 Mbp/s - HELLBOUND retail-like implemented and on devolopement - Offline trade & craft! - PVP/PK Title color system! - Vitality System - All gracia final pets - NO GM shop. - NO NPCBuffer. - Shift + click for see mob drop - Champiosn 20-70 - Temporary oficial events: Master of enchanting, Zaken's curse, Heavy meda, L2Day, etc.. - Automatic events (Captura la base, busca la bandera, carrera de personajes, TVT, etc..) - Event "My birthday" - Sailren, Frintezza retail-like - Crystal Caverns (Baylor, Darnel, Tears y Kechi) - Divine transformations and skills certificate - Kamaloka - Pailaka - Dual box. - Castle sieges and fortys 100% - Heroes, olimpiad, manor system, attribute system 100%. - Mammon announcment. - Class change without Q. - Respawn protection 20 s - Buffs 20 Min, dance/songs 10 Min, propecys 5 Min. Web: http://l2lastravel.no-ip.org/lt Rates: XP10, SP12, DROP10, SPOIL12
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