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About mvp

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  1. About h5, it is not 100% working (kind of obvious), there are few new features that are missing + some geodata bugs but staff is working on them from what I saw. So one more point goes for our staff (one active GM[syderis] + one dev[Nekys]) ;p
  2. 2 weeks, was 1 month ;p
  3. They didnt nerf / boost any class so it is same as on retail, h5 is a pretty much balanced chronicle (ignoring the fact that tanks are a little bit overpowered, well known fact). I like it ! 100+ ppl online. If you want full buffs, you will find over 100 servers on hopezone on your taste :) The npc buffer has basic PP buffs because we encourage retail-like game-play, teamwork, thats why this is one of the few high rate servers where you can actually see active prophets, warcryers etc. not only damage dealers. We lost some players just because we dont have full buffs npc or mana pots... but its ok! For me, quality > quantity.
  4. Best PvP srv available atm, give it a try, you wont regret it :)
  5. lol, not the right srv I guess ? no one has s84 on Astraworld :) And its clearly 3 sided war . @Nekys: there are ~200 ppl @ peak hour :P
  6. Hi again :) As you already might know, AstralWorld is based on l2dragonclaw files (best files you can find -except the official ones- ) We have the most completed GEpilogue version (Freya is on its way), retail-like gameplay, x10 rates, 3 sided war (which means a lot of fun) If you dont trust me, why dont you check it out by yourself ? :) www.l2astralworld.com
  7. used to play there some time ago .. best private srv id say, friendly community, professional staff, perfect game rates .. +1v from me )
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