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About karpenisiotis11

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  1. ofc i have source code look under Files: next to Pack Files Yea i know that p-conf packs sucks but i wanna make a try 1st before [share] :D
  2. As i said the pack is PreConfiged But take a look of the addons and the some of my fix! Files: Pack: source code+ Pack files+ some sql Files Patch: Full patch for all this custom and clean L2.ini [] L2Teon.info [Config]- Welcome and info Menu + Color SystemMsG: Custon Npc Buffer With Class based buffs for newbies: Custom Gm Shop: [html/multisell] and With custom appearance [animations/systemtextures on patch] Global Gk: Custom Shop with Custom Armor Vesper[silver/Gold]: Custom Noblesse Npc: You need a custom noblesse coin [Configs html all fixed for example: if you already noblesse shows that you are already noblesse, if you dont have the custom item shows you the message that y need the item to procced]: Custom Safe farm area [a room that used to be warzone, but no more from now is a safe zone as towns]: Pvp-Pk Rank Manager: Vip Buffer: [with this buffer vip chars who have vip items can trade them for Augment Skills {Focus-might-Salvation for Fighters} or { Empower - Wild magic-Salvation for mages} or you can choose on yourself] : Donate Npc/ Pvp color system: PvP color system with Configs which easily can change to you choice Custom Wings: Baium Hair Pixie Wings Some more: Custom Armors: Vesper[silver-Gold]- Titannium [Apella]- Dynasty Custom Weap: Gold Weap- Epic [with custom glow]- Dynasty- Icarous Custom Etcitems: Custom Goldcoin[farmitem]- CustomTradeitem[item need for buy custom from shop]- Custom noblesse Item [item needed for noblesse] Custom Skills: Goldcoin Convert: trade CustomTradeitem for GoldCoin [farm coin] CustomTradeItem Convert: trade GoldCoin [farm coin] for CustomTradeitem Custom Pvp-pk Reward System Custom Vote Reward System Custom Enchant glow from +16 to +25 Custom Tattoos Sent an offer on pm here on Forum if you like and you interested... Sorry for my bad English :-\
  3. what about live date guys? we are waiting give us some info about live date...
  4. Looking For A Upcomming C6 mid Rate Server with gm buffer [w/o ressist or 3rd class]/gm shop until B grade...I prefer openning days about 26-28/5/2012
  5. server is NOT home made is runing on matchine company...anyway Tnx
  6. L][ Nightfall Server Is NO DONATE Best Interlude Server L2NightFall (3000x) Server type: PVP (High rates) Opened on: 01.03.2011 Rates: 3000x 3000x 10x 10x Enchant probability: 75% Maximum Enchant[Weap]: +25 Maximum Enchant[Armor/Jewel]: +20 Fully operational retail-style Olympiad. GmShop, Buffer The buffs last 4 hours Nobless status granted upon log-on. No additional quests (profession, sub, etc.) Items Armors - The two Vesper armors[Gold/silver] with the same stats! Weaps - Epic weap with custom stats and different item names! and a new enchant color system! And a new enchant color system! Tattoos - Two tattoos with custom stats , different item names and icons! Wings - Two powerfull items which gives a lot of stats! to buy this wings you must be a player which helps his server by voting! Additional novelties Custom Item - A custom farm item! you can exchange it on Custom shop! Modified skill exchanger. When you use this skill, you exchange an item to one other! All classes have it from their beginning [1 LvL] Pvp/pk color system - The players color name and title change as they gain pvp/pk points! Pvp/pk Award system - A custom item that take the characters obtaining pvp/pk points! It is only superficial information about the server. We attempted to give it in short, so that there was more time left for the game :P Website: http://l2nightfall.tk/ Server Patch: http://www.4shared.com/file/7-LBA7-U/LNightFall_v12.html
  7. Could you please send me the url of a topic same as mine then? i keep searching but nothing yet!
  8. Hi guys i'm looking for a custom etc item that if y click on it will show the ranking for top pvp/pk players! I search for this for more than 4 hours and the only that i saw was an etc item that teleports the characters[teleport book] and the download link was destroyed! I have a npc for top pvp /pk players and i'm think if y can help me by give me some information for how to edit the item i want,[by xml,by navicat /by gameserver/data/....?] post a reply and thank you for your time!
  9. Geia se oloys!! katarxas anoigw enan no custom server se kana mhn kai 8elw ligh help!!!Loipon eftiaksa diko m teleporter gia ta raid [xrhsimopoiontas Navicat fysika]... alla to problhma m einai oti otan kanei teleport sto Antharas,Valakas kai Baium o normal char trwei aytomato teleport sth town... ti mporw na kanw 8a ektimoysa ka8e plhroforia TY!!!
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