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Everything posted by duckforsex

  1. but it is the latest manor patch and i want to put it on my server. :-\
  2. I installed updates and all items dissapear.. what do i do wrong ?
  3. can someone tell me how can i modify stats to raids. i can go from raid to raid and modify them but isn't there an easy way to do that, like modify them all at once lower theyre stats by x% from DB ??
  4. can someone tell me how can i modify stats to raids. i can go from raid to raid and modify them but isn't there an easy way to do that ??
  5. can someone tell me where to go to modify quest rates pls
  6. i am having really big trouble with this program can i get some help please
  7. lol i don;t know if that works, hlapex pakets are not recieved by some server.
  8. oh yeah and for a newer version i can't find a good patcher.
  9. i've tryed l2net, too bad i don't know sriping :). I could enter with a IG walker 1.78 that is not necessary to do all that stuff to bypass the gameguard.. it work directly, no error of protection at the start of the game.. but it works partially like i said in the begining.
  10. Who can give me a patcher for L2walker version 10.8.3 ?
  11. 23:53:10 Link LoginServer Succeed. 23:53:14 Login LoginServer Succeed. 23:53:14 服务器[09]当前在线率:69.40%,能否登陆:能 23:53:16 Link GameServer Succeed. 23:53:25 ->Enter Char[1]. 23:53:28 Packet Error ... 23:54:27 òðóëÿëÿ 23:54:27 Link LoginServer Succeed. 23:54:31 Login LoginServer Succeed. 23:54:32 服务器[09]当前在线率:70.00%,能否登陆:能 23:54:36 Link GameServer Succeed. 23:54:41 ->Enter Char[1]. 23:54:45 L2J Server Version: 736 23:54:45 L2J Datapack Version: 2926 23:54:45 Copyright 2004-2006 23:54:45 Welcome to Teon(Euro) 23:54:45 Seven Signs: The quest event period has begun. Speak with a Priest of Dawn or Dusk Priestess if you wish to participate in the event. 23:54:45 SYSTEM : ~ welcome to L2default ~ 23:54:45 SYSTEM : No donations - No bots 23:54:45 SYSTEM : Read the server rules www.l2default.com 23:54:45 SYSTEM : message for the thief(he knows): return the mats or you will get an IP ban + all accounts ban. 23:54:45 Medals Event: You can collect medals from all mobs and trade them for prizes at the event npc 23:54:45 Packet Error ... what am i doing wrong ???
  12. yeah so i won't play on roxi then, i try to make walker for l2default server (www.l2default.com) but when i login walker it crashes after entering caracter [1] ... donno what to do maby someone here will help me (i hope so vry much) but no answer yet for that server... (it is C5)
  13. so nobody can make walker work on L2Default ???
  14. But l2 walker doesn't work on L2Default, IG walker doesn't work also .... at least the npc file for C5.
  15. I try to make walker work here but i get logged in with IG walker and it work partial. When i press Start Fight it selects targets but doesn't attack them and doesn't follow the targets i set and on the map when i press to move it doesn't, party heal and recharge doesn't work too. What works is self buffs, heal and party buffs.
  16. How can i see what chest is BOX on C5 server ??
  17. i try like you said but if i do it that way i can't login. i start IG walker i minimize i open game and when i press login ... nothing. I verify if the login is up and all ... it is becouse of some protection.
  18. they changed the size of l2.exe so i can't login with IG walker and OOG i did not know how to make it work as well... so please a little help. http://www.frienzl2.com/
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