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Posts posted by Stewie®

  1. LOOOL spamming in threads? :D i do my job you dirty little wannabe jerk better if you shut your little mouth you scammer bitch and go away from this section into the spam section there human stupidity is normal.


    ontopic.:still WTF? i dont understand anything from that "Would anyone know how to turn off the kitten did not want to eat!"

    sorry about the off topic but intrepid that was hardcore flame OMFG i cant stop laugh XD

    on topic : try to explain your problem better and maybe we can help you

  2. lolz0r is so hard to understand the code? the code means you cant take pvp if you kill more than 1 time the some character not from the some ip....

    but for the boting pvp protection you can make something else like :

    if someone try to increase his pvp point's from the SAME IP ADDRESS


    First of all learn to read Second start to learn English understood Mr. Krashito?

  3. if someone kill the some character more than 1 time dont take pvp point (lol)

    well for faction server's it may be good (propablY)

    but for the boting pvp protection you can make something else like :

    if someone try to increase his pvp point's from the SAME IP ADDRESS

          // Check if it's pvp
    	String attacker = getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
    	String attacked = targetPlayer.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
    	if (attacker.equals(attacked))
    		sendMessage("What you though? You cannot use dumb exploit's NOOB!");
    	if (
    					checkIfPvP(target) &&            //   Can pvp and
    					targetPlayer.getPvpFlag() != 0   //   Target player has pvp flag set
    			) ||                                     // or
    					isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) &&         		 //   Player is inside pvp zone and
    					targetPlayer.isInsideZone(ZONE_PVP) 	 //   Target player is inside pvp zone
    	else                                                                        // Target player doesn't have pvp flag set
               // check about wars
               if (targetPlayer.getClan() != null && getClan() != null)
                   if (getClan().isAtWarWith(targetPlayer.getClanId()))
                       if (targetPlayer.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClanId()))
                           // 'Both way war' -> 'PvP Kill'
               // 'No war' or 'One way war' -> 'Normal PK'
       		if (attacker.equals(attacked))
       			sendMessage("What you though? You cannot use dumb exploit's NOOB!");
               else if (targetPlayer.getKarma() > 0)                                        // Target player has karma
    			if ( Config.KARMA_AWARD_PK_KILL )
    		else if (targetPlayer.getPvpFlag() == 0)                                                                    // Target player doesn't have karma
    			if (attacker.equals(attacked))
    				sendMessage("What you though? You cannot use dumb exploit's NOOB!");

    this is the protection for same IP w/e and your's it's correct

  4. this update will be published with mxc hosted at hetzner 12GB DDR3 pc :Dno it doenst sucks, my server sucks thats why its laggy.

    Nah maxtor SMF suck's you must agree with this ip board and vbullet forum's times better :D example (hopzone and ragezone has Vbullet) btw it's your forum not mine

    IMO : it's better to change to an IPB or VBullet

  5. Edit NPC : Alt + G (with target NPC You want to add)

    Spawn a Mob : //spawn (name)

    De-Spawn : target and //delete

    RR server : //server_restart (secs)

    if you close and open again l2authd.bat and l2server.bat server will be close and open again.

    How to do save ? : db make  Auto Save



    off: as a gold member you may to check where the thread starter made the topic and as you saw (propably) he ask for help so you should lock it and ask for a transfer to the correct section

  6. filos exoume sinergasia me to pedi....proti fora sinantame tetio prob...kaname oti mporeis na fantasteis...ftasame se simio na valoume oti ip uparxei sto router...kai den ginete tpt...wtf its going on...an einai kapios na voithisei na 3erei oti den eimaste noobs...giayto mhn deinete noob apantiseis...doste sovares luseis ....oxi san ---->mhn valeis ekei to no ip kai tetioa....XRISIMES APANTHSEIS! ;)


    afou den eiste noobs vreite monoi sas tin lysh egw ftaiw XD



  7. xxxx o kwdikas toy mysql Cool meta apo afto to post apla alakse ton internal k external vale tin NO-IP sou klise to firewall sou anikse ta port's 2106/7777 se TCP k UDP perna sto system sou sto l2.ini tin no ip k have fun


    # Default: *
    ExternalHostname = xxxx.no-ip.biz
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname.
    # This can be the internal IP such as or the computer's IP such as 192.168.x.x.
    # If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *.
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Default: *
    InternalHostname = xxxx.no-ip.biz
    # Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to
    # Default:
    LoginHost = xxxx.no-ip.biz
    # TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests
    # Default: 9014
    LoginPort = 9014
    # Default: *
    GameserverHostname = xxxx.no-ip.biz
    # Default: 7777


    etc ta xw egw :D

  8. Kalhspera paidia auto to topic afora osous exoun forthnet mono. Xthes to vrady meta tis 3:15 eixate internet & tilefono?

    Otan eperna apo to sta8ero tilefono ekane ton klasiko ixo les kai milagane.

    Otan eperna apo to kinhto mou to 13831 elege network busy.

    1 Filos mou den eixe episis internet & tilefono.



    read the rules of this section and stop acting like a 10 years old kid- (upgrade) your english if you want to flame go in server's forum

    except that you made a double post so -1 karma

    P.S at least you didnt learn your lesson if you have something personal with Eminence staff or something else go to server's forum


  10. Hello ,


    well does anyone know how i can change the time for sieges? what i mean i know where i can change the siegeDate (in navicat at CASTLE table) but i want to make them all at same hour not to start all sieges at same time and same day just make them start at 21:00 (PM/GMT+2)


    Thanks in advance.


    P.S i tryed this one Siege Time Changer but it need's date when i put 29 november 2009 time 21:00 and a castle it show me a SIEGEDATE but when i put 28 november 2009 same time same castle the SIEGEDATE changes

  11. This issue is already resolved by the following changest 2 months ago.


    Changeset 3423
    Message: Locking during subclass add/remove/change operations. Player will be unable to perform any other subclass actions or restart/logout until previous operation completed. 
    Also little spaces cleanup and small security fix - player is unable to logout during enchanting.


    Update your pack to the latest rev.


    X_X i already made this update days ago any other answer?

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