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Everything posted by xDaRkHeRo

  1. Do not spam in old topics and next time use [GR] tags or will be reported.
  2. lol "ke$ha" how much account u create 10? :o ... all hate u .. I dont think someone will make for u something :)
  3. First make sub class paladin 76 lvl, then take 2 parts dynasty armor breasplate shield master and change ur class to Archer - Paladin - Archer - Paladin - Archer - Palading etc and put 2 parts from dynasty on F1-F2 and press them on the same time, but your inventory must be open all the time do not forget it. Wish you GL :P .. TESTED on Gracia Epilogue .. L2Blaze P.S: Sry for my english :) EDIT: If its already shared, please delete my post or just lock it :)
  4. This is your server, so do not make "Good Posts" BTW: LAGGED AS HELL!
  5. Lol awesome TUT dude, you have +1 from me :D
  6. can you unban `Romeo` And Change pasword? [GR] TO exw anagi to acc re c sory for spam alla ti na kano kai egw as to kitaksi kapio mod na to pei ston maxtor Thnx Guys :-[
  7. im in net
  8. UNBAN `Romeo` Thoughtless is fuking stoler unban `Romeo` Raule!
  9. maxt0r vgaleme to ban ala3eme email kai vale afto La2Greekheroes@hotmail.com kodiko tha s pw otan m stilis pm plz
  10. dn to mirazome o filos m htan dipla m kai mpika me to pass to me tin adia tou ekana ena report kai gg exw diko m acc vip ti na kanw allo acc? ala efage ban gia blakies tou thoughtless omg kante kati re admins please
  11. Server is nice.. it was beta now its online it was 7 days online but 4 days beta the players are hero from oly and not corrupt yea they change dedicated it was homehosted then they hosted it and now they change company they was on hostyourdreams now they will move to ngz the lag will fixes soon maybe its a laggy server but it will be only for 2-3 days 77 atoma online right now and its the 3rd day they are on hopzone at 9 list from 18 list at 110 vote without any force ppl to vote server is good there is a big pvp u dont have to lose nothing if u play there i like this server and i will play for you if u dont like it just dont play when it will be ok with dedicated everyone who told badwords for this server will create character there im sure 100%%
  12. re oute kan account dn exw afto to pass t donator f filou m einai aplos gia na kanw report mpika eleos
  13. opios mpwri asto to kani re pedia eleos dld ksenerwsa pite kana mod milaw kai me grafoune ti na kano mia fora ginonte afta alla esto to email na ala3i o maxt0r afto edw eixa www.la2greekheroes@hotmail.com plz re
  14. opio mod mpwri na to di plz
  15. nai re filos t kserw ekana blakia omos p na kserw ti tipas einai :/ po re gamw
  16. Paides kitakste afto to account m t name romeo htan kanonika o ghostattack aplos to paidi mou xarise to account tou kai eipa stous admins egw na alaksoun to name apo ghost attack se Romeo mpwrite na to dite to topic m dn lew psemata kai oi admins to alaksane t kanane romeo... loipon sto msn milousa me tn thoughtles m eipe oti 8a kane poustia kai 8a kanei na exw 15 karma tou eipa oti 8a fame ban dn 8elw m leei LOL kai poios na se kanei ban kai egw o xazos ton pistepsa m leei m pola share 8a paris poli karma exo poustia kai 8a to deis kai egw tn pistepsa t edosa pass kai id mpike alakse tn kodiko kai otan prospa8isa na kanw egw login m elege kati gia email kai tetoia tote katalaba pws m eklepsa tn kodiko kai tou to zitousa me ekbiaze me elege DO U KNOW HON? t lew ti einai to hon m leei Heroes of newerth m leei tell your friends for a pass on hon and i will give your pass back tou eipa pws oute kan i fili m dn kseroun to paixnidi tou parakalousa na m dosi tn kodiko giati ton eixa poli anagi san vip member gia tn server m tn L2Greekheroes kai m elege pws o maxtor einai ali8inos filos m apo konta kai kanoume parea an me kaneis report esu 8a bgis xamenos kai tetoioa oxi gia ena pass ala einai giftia na kleboume ena tetoio pragma dn einai gia ta 25 euro ala mou tin dini i poustia
  17. re c evale o allos to diko t email geiafto s lew na valete to diko kapios mod as to di evale diko t email kai dn mpwro na to ala3o kante kati plz
  18. maxt0r efaga xoris logo ban me `Romeo` epidi m eklepse enas to acc kai ala3e pas kane kati se kliparo egw eimai o romeo dn edwsa se kanenan karma vgalto apo ban kai ala3emou to pas se parakalo kitato now
  19. Teliw Guide filos exthes ekana compile dn eiksera mia ematha pl kala aplos dn kserw na pernaw java codes ligo help amma mpwris na kanis kai esu Thnx : )
  20. sory re geiafto s lew amma mpwrite help me signomy
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