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Everything posted by Ovenuç®

  1. actually for me this code is useless but i say good job... read before..
  2. hey can any mod clean my topic and unlock them? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133760.0 Setekh forgot it "i think"
  3. //admin game === manage grafis to name tou kai exei kati koumpakia teleport to town
  4. w/e is easy to fix that code btw about the bugs but for me this code is useless, w/e nice job seth
  5. +1 Epic!!!!!!!!!!! [GR]FOGAREL file mou kalo pasxa kali anastasi ;) sou euxomai oti epi8imis filakia..
  6. again you mean you will continue to report me.. about what?
  7. you mean you will...
  8. if you conitnue i will report you for ban..
  9. now is more ok............. here... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133760.15 and you explain them better....
  10. all that is ok why you put... Quote from: Setekh on Today at 05:04:05 AM Old archid: Code:
  11. you Start flame you say i say stupid things men.,.
  12. /lier! show them on archid svn! i have them old archid you are big lier man! and now you show me photo? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133760.15
  13. and why you share them on my topic? can you tell me? and how is possible use the same isBussShiledon() explain me..
  14. you say this is in old archid... and i say you show me your commit in old assembla, i can proove that many people have the old archid, later you say "Edit i didnt commit this patch!" and how i take that -beep-ing code? explain me.. i want to Clean my topic and unlock them!
  15. and how i find them? :O and why you lock my topic? if you dont share them?
  16. houhou man.. you are...you know i leave the opition to another members now they can see what you are...
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