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Posts posted by Ovenuç®

  1. protimo na kano request na to kanoun ban sto league of legend para na to doso 15 mono ke mono giati iste komplexiki opios 8eli m kani pm ipa thats all an ke exo idi 3pms me 45euro ke pano gl brite alo koroido


    ok koroido!!!

  2. Ισχύει... Και με 4 skins πίστεψε με, δεν φτάνεις τα 40€...


    ase eidika an exei ta skins ton 260 (oloklira RP) kataxodeuftike.. ase pou sto season 3 an exei low elo 8a xekinisi me 800 elo opote...

  3. Αυτό το πολύ να το πουλήσεις 5€.

    Δεν "στην λέω" για την τιμή. Σε προσγειώνω στην πραγματικότητα, γιατί με 40€ δεν θα το πουλήσεις όσο και να θες..



    an auto einai account lol emena mou miazi me pirobolimeno account (alla sou dini k tin dinatitota ton 6 masteries page + 2 rune pages pou erixe pl xrima gia na tis apoxtisi

  4. oxi otan skotono to Queen Ant kai den rixni tpt, episis se auto edw to code pou dini xroma sto title pos mporo na to kanw na einai gia 7 Meres?





    gia na kaneis kati tetio prepei na perasis new code mesa se int pou 8a einai i imeres p.x auto na ginete meso tou l2PcInstance kapos etsi..


    st.getPlayer().setTitleColor(0x70db93, 7);


    k mesa sto L2PcInstance na einai kapos etsi


    setTitleColor(to color pou 8es)

    settimercolor(tis meres pou 8es)



    ola auta dilomena se sql fisika..

  5. All Accounts ONLY 10 euros -payScard-

    10euros Per Account!!!


    1 Account=10euro

    3 Accounts=20euro(Special Offer)


    Server:EU West



    Skins:Noxus Hunter Anivia,Commando Jarvan IV,Assasin Master Yi,Chosen Master Yi,Royal Shaco,Firefang Warwick,

    Rune Pages:2 Rune page with [1st Rune Page:Dmg][2st Rune Page:EMPTY]


    Boosts:IP Boost For 17 Wins

    Rank Statues:0 Games its Unranking


    Server:EU NORDIC & EAST



    Skins:Mythic Cassiopeia,Ravager Nocturne,

    Rune Pages:2 Full Rune page with Armor,Hp,Armor Pen,Magic Pen,some Dmg,some ability Runes


    Rank Statues:0 Games its Unranking


    Server:EU NORDIC & EAST



    Skins:Renegade Talon

    Rune Pages:2 Full Rune page with[1st Rune Page Full Dmg] [2st Rune Page Full Ability]


    Rank Statues:0 Games its Unranking


    For more informations pm me at my email: david--4--@    hotmail.com


    Gia parapano plirofories sto email mou


    If you have skype send your name at my email


    Genika opios endiaferete as stilei ena email i na mou stilei to onoma tou skype tou sto Email mou ;)


    to account tou ConArtist™ exei klapi kalitera na idopoioi8i o maxtor gia na faei ban mexri na to pari o nomimos piso



    What is this all about?

    To be honest i spend a lot of my time sitting at my chair and even surfing on the web or coding. What i see is that many people make a living (or not) on other guys backs (Tryskell's mostly). So some people feel cool while selling packs for 20-50 euros while they just added shared (or not, you might find 1 non-shared feature on each pack) features on them. Fine them. Most of you know who i am and what i can do. So after being sick of this state i decided to start an OPEN SOURCE project.

    The project's name is L2j Esios. Esios is an acronym and stands for Elfocrash's Shares In One Source. There in another reason for creating this project too and it is more personal. It is because Tryskell lets us download just the files of his revs and when i code a feature on acis i cannot create a patch to share it. So this way i will be able to code on acis and everyone can get the feature. Note here that i will just use acis rev 260 as a base and i won't care more for what Tryskell and his team will do. I won't sync with acis and add features too. I will just add features.


    Why Interlude?

    Too lame to download another client + i will help Tryskell cuz  if there is a bug report for me and it is not caused by my customs then Tryskell will fix it for acis too so in that way i help acis.



    The main goal is to prevent other guys to sell stuff that they shouldn't while not respecting other people work.


    Esios PoV

    • The more it is custom, the more it is interesting.
    • Anti-retail. I don't give a damn for retail. Nothing will be committed for retail.
    • Clean and stable custom code.
    • People can request features. If i like them i will commit them.



    Nothing yet. A lot in some hours



    Famous Last Words

    I don't wanna be offensive peeps but the more you sell the more i will code. Don't put the blame on me for ruining your business. Mine got ruined twice (i am not talking about revenge). Remember that if something is hard to be coded it worth to be sold but not in a pack.





    gl elfo ;)

  7. xaxaxa..me liga logia bug pvp..auto file m ine gnosto se ola ta l2 tou kosmou..ksereis ti kaneis..vgazeis tp mp aplo..opos kanoun oloi..:)


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