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Posts posted by secretakoc

  1. to ksero afto to bug alla den to exw dokimasei ston L2 Liberators..Tha to dokimasw omws..;p..

    ti na stuckareis r ..to Aggility dinei +4 evasion opos kai to Guidance active...To shield dinei 200 opos kai to M.Barrier-Might .Gia D.Might,B.Roar,focus dn kserw an litourgoun swsta..


    Etsi htan prin 1mhna+...Tr dn kserw an ta exei fixarei..Gt an dinoun kanonika stats tote aksizei..

  2. Opa opa..eida merika la8oi edw..To RIPOSTE STANCE skill to exeis akousta?

    Opote pezeis me tank/titan/tyrant/buffer/doomi to anigeis!!(Arkei na douleuei)

    Einai san reflect dmg.


    To Riposte stance epistrefei dmg pisw opos kai katares. (opos kai mana burn)..


    Pados wraio guide!

  3. yesterday some friends there are going for siege (Schuttgart) and it was lagging like hell!

    20secs for 1move.Why this happened?Because the server is home hosted!And u want to play there?Finally after 55minutes they are take the castle...Guards=lag=home hosted server..

    I am sure that ur pc it was ready to buring on!

  4. server is failed..pff..bugs,problems..

    1st go to your server and fix the milions of problems and then speak for this server!I have join and on ur server and here and i saw that ur server is zero front of this server.. :D


    edit:i dont want to blame u..but u said that this server is failed!

  5. ye agree with u. loged today after 1 mounth and 67 online right now. and the features are cool. the only problem is that there are greeks everywhere...

    Greeks are anywhere on earth :P so,accept it and play in this server :P

    I agree that many of greeks are so naabs and f@#$% but there are some boys that there are serious...

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