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Everything posted by Aiosforos

  1. afto apo oti vlepw einai mia ekdoxi opws to palio bug p agorazes apo to GM Shop ena +50 3erw gw, apla to kaneis se private store... DEN uparxei periptwsi na doulepsei pou8ena gt pleon oloi oi server exoun protection se packets.... lock kapoios p mporei, dn uparxei logos na nai anoixto
  2. cant run the command, it says: LoadLibrary(""\windows\system32\mswinsck.ocx") Failed - the specific module could not be found
  3. can we have a responce from the programmer to solve all this s***??? (im refering to DragonHunter ) PS: almost every time the 2nd row stucks at word "saphir" the fourth at "softlge" and the fifth at "stationed".... first stucks at random word and the 3rd row keeps working.... wtf?
  4. kaneis and la8os, 1on to kamael class to lene Soul Hound k 2on to skill to lene Steal Divinity...
  5. dude, the problem is this: on a server i use it (and lot of others) , it tries about 500 passes every minute, and after some hours (all 5 pass bars have 3 blocks) the passes stuck at some specific passwords and not changing.... :( so, patience is useless if program stops trying passwords
  6. use URL without http:// and / .... example for http://test.test/ write test.test DragonHunter, after some hours of brute=forcing it stucks on some passes and 1 or 2 of 5 keep changing....
  7. use this website to get ip from urls http://www.selfseo.com/find_ip_address_of_a_website.php
  8. its cracking for 1:30 h now and no errors occured.... i had that error cause i accidently pressed on the "Log every error etc..." :P (i setted it at begining like the video "guide" )
  9. hmmm but in the beggining(1h or so) i had no errors at the box.... ill try run it again and if sents errors again ill report it.... and i dont think its on other ip cause on that i use they have the register page
  10. good...and smth else, i MUST know the username? and could it be made that the app finds the usernames or it needs crack too to identify them? EDIT: tried on my own server and in some mins it got the pass.... on other servers its depending on the internet connection speed as i see... ;) EDIT2: while i was cracking remote server, i got these repeatable errors: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. etc etc etc.... it is still trying passwords...
  11. Thnx for the welcoming... it started now cracking... if i close it and start it again will it compile passwords again?
  12. Hello guys, i downloaded My$ql D4t4b4s3 Cr4ck3r 1.2 and it stops at Status : compiling password lists.... and do nothing... any idea whats wrong? it uses 45% of my cpu and 170-190k memory but it still dont do anything...
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